Friday, April 8, 2022

The Biggest Escalation in Israel in Years

More than 11 Israelis- including Jews, Christians, Arabs, and Druze- have been killed in 3 different terror attacks just within the last 2 weeks. While Israeli civilians mourn, Palestinians have yet again begun celebrating terrorism and violence. 

Amongst the murdered were two foreign workers from Ukraine, sasha and dima. Andriy Yermak, ukraine preisdient zelenskiys chief of staff stated I nresponse, “terrorism known no borders an neither does pain or grief. Ukraine now understands what israel has been facing for decades. Israel and Ukraine will prevail- absoultely certain.” Meanwhile Palestinians like Gigi and Bella Hadid are tryign to exploit the Ukrainian cause by stating they are fighting the same war as palestinians.  

Please note  that this is not a comprehensive list. 


Last Monday, The Shin Bet security agency and IDF arrested at least 12 Arabs with ties to ISIS, a day after shooting attack was committed by members of the jihadist group.


In the meantime, there have been other attacks and attempts at intimidation, such as attempted stabbing attack in Beer Sheva and two Arabs running after a Jewish driver wielding a knife and metal objects after being asked to move when blocking an exit. Also, an attempted shooting and the stabbing of an Israeli in the West Bank. Then, a shooting in Tel Aviv just yesterday.


Americans: recognize the fact that our taxpayer dollars are going into the hands of these terrorists’ families. Palestinians not only name school and streets after martyrs who murder others and sacrificed themselves for the sake of Islamic resistance, but the Palestinian Authority also give generous cash prizes to the family members of those martyrs. Since 1993, the 7-10 billion dollars that the Palestinian Authority has received have come from the European union, the US, Saudi Arabia and other Arab League nations, and even France which has sent in over 3 billion dollars.


The Taylor Force act was a bill passed in 2017 after an American was fatally stabbed in 2016 in an Israel terror attack that wounded 10 others. Taylor Force graduated from West Point and was a field artillery officer in the U.S. Army until 2014. The United States providing aid to the Palestinian Authority is a direct violation of this Act, which prohibits economic support to the PA form being made available to the west bank and Gaza unless the dep of state verifies that the PA, Palestine liberation org and any successor or affiliated orgs stop funding terrorists and end acts of violence against the US and Israel. 


Meanwhile, the Biden administration is continuing talks with Iran about the nuclear deal, when Iran is continuing to fund Palestinian terrorist organizations. Remember that both the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas are Iranian proxies. 


In the meantime, what have Palestinians done to help themselves? Teach their children to murder. Encourage people to become self-sacrifices for the sake of Islam and their resistance to Jews who they claim are a threat to their existence and even Islam itself. Allow for terrorist organizations such as Hamas to use them as human shields while attacking Israeli civilian areas. Allow for the rest of the Middle East which is very vocal about being anti-West, to use them as pawns so as to blame Palestinian suffering on Israel’s existence. Essentially. Palestinian can do no wrong. Even though they have been offered land time and again and refused. Even though they have had opportunities for peace and rejected. Even though many of them have even benefitted from Israel’s existence such as receiving medical care there or having opportunities to work. At the end of the day they justify the murdering of Israelis by stating they don’t belong in the Middle East and even worse- don’t deserve to live at all. If you look into Palestinian culture and society, a lot of it revolves around the beliefs that Jews are subhuman- and are regarded as vampires and demons.


Yesterday several hundred pro-Palestinian supporters protested against Israel in NYC. They chanted that “resistance is justified when people are colonized.” As in, they support the ISIS terrorists. Yes, the same ones who call for the destruction of America. They support the Palestinian Liberation Organization, Fatah, Hamas- all classified as terrorist organizations. 


They also chanted to globalize the intifada. The intifada is the stabbing, shooting, car ramming and harassment of Jews in Israel. Globalize the intifada? Globalize the murder of Jews? In the past when there have been increased attacks on Jews in Israel, there have also been increased attack on Jews in the international community. One major example was in May of last years when a 23 year old Jewish man joseph borgen wearing a kippa clearly identifying him as a Jew, was attacked in New York City by a pro-Palestinian antisemitic gang yelling F Jews and F Israel. An increased number of Anti-Semitic attacks were being reported in US cities as tension between Israel and Palestinian terrorists increased. 


One of the terrorists who killed five people this past week was affiliate with Fatah, the Palestine liberation Organization’s most prominent faction. Fatah related militia groups such as the tanzim, force 17, and the Al-Aqsa martyrs brigade played a leading role in Palestinian violence during the second intifada including suicide attacks, ambushes and shootings of Israeli vehicles and facilities. All of these organizations 

are listed on the United States list of foreign terrorist organizations.


This is an excerpt from back in 2002, on Israel Independence Day in the House of Representatives: “if Arafat can succeed, then bin Laden can succeed. Not because they share the same goals, but because they share the same tactics.”



So, what is to happen? 

What should Israel do?

Protect itself or allow for its people to be murdered and live in fear?

Why should Israel not protect its people? It is the right and duty for every country to protect its people from foreign attackers. 


Let me tell you what is going to happen. Because this pattern has happened time and time again. The media will ignore these acts of terrorism and will only focus on the very much warranted and necessary response from Israel. 


Then “Palestinian refugees” like Bella and Gigi Hadid will cry and claim that Palestinians didn’t have a choice. They will side with the terrorists while living in America, which these same terrorists also hate and wish to destroy. The self-pity and the blame on everyone else.


Palestinians should have accepted one of the many peace offerings throughout the years, so that their people could finally live in peace. 

They should have taken charge of their own future instead of blaming Jews for not allowing themselves to be annihilated before, during and after the state of Israel’s creation. 

However, this is much too “unfair” for them to accept the fact that Israel exists and is a Jewish state that holds western values. 


People will remove responsibility from the terrorists and blame Israel for not allowing itself to be destroyed.


These attacks will continue. More people will die or be injured. Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad will continue to harass and murder Israelis. 


Israel will respond. Then Israel will be labeled as the aggressor. 


All will be forgotten and forgiven EXCEPT for Israel rightfully standing up for itself. 


Palestinians who are raised to murder and taught to kill…. Parents who send off their children to commit suicide attacks just to kill Israelis… terrorists who have refused time and again to make peace with Israel…. Who allowed Hamas to govern in Gaza after Israel gave it up in 2005 after being promised peace…Their reality is the product of their own choices and failure to take responsibility for the wellbeing of their families and futures. Because the future is not found in killing people to make statements. It will never be found in murder and terrorism. Violence will never prevail. 

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