Sunday, June 19, 2022

There Was Never a Palestinian State (History Crash Course)

1. Before Israel, there was a British mandate, not a Palestinian state

2. Before the British Mandate, there was the Ottoman Empire, not a Palestinian state.

3. Before the Ottoman Empire, there was the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, not a Palestinian state.

4. Before the Islamic state of the Mamluks of Egypt, there was the Ayubid Arab-Kurdish Empire, not a Palestinian state.

5. Before the Ayubid Empire, there was the Frankish and Christian Kingdom of Jerusalem, not a Palestinian state.

6. Before the Kingdom of Jerusalem, there were the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, not a Palestinian state.

7. Before the Umayyad and Fatimid empires, there was the Byzantine empire, not a Palestinian state.

8. Before the Byzantine Empire, there were the Sassanids, not a Palestinian state.

9. Before the Sassanid Empire, there was the Byzantine Empire, not a Palestinian state.

10. Before the Byzantine Empire, there was the Roman Empire, not a Palestinian state.

11. Before the Roman Empire, there was the Hasmonean state, not a Palestinian state.

12. Before the Hasmonean state, there was the Seleucid, not a Palestinian state.

13. Before the Seleucid empire, there was the empire of Alexander the Great, not a Palestinian state.

14. Before the empire of Alexander the Great, there was the Persian empire, not a Palestinian state.

15. Before the Persian Empire, there was the Babylonian Empire, not a Palestinian state.

16. Before the Babylonian Empire, there were the kingdoms of Israel and Judah, not a Palestinian state.

17. Before the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah, there was the Kingdom of Israel, not a Palestinian state.

18. Before the kingdom of Israel, there was the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, not a Palestinian state.

19. Before the theocracy of the twelve tribes of Israel, there was an agglomeration of independent Canaanite city-kingdoms, not a Palestinian state.

20. Actually, in this piece of land there has been everything, EXCEPT A PALESTINIAN STATE.

Feel free to use this for the uneducated

Credit @jonahElshout

Friday, April 8, 2022

The Biggest Escalation in Israel in Years

More than 11 Israelis- including Jews, Christians, Arabs, and Druze- have been killed in 3 different terror attacks just within the last 2 weeks. While Israeli civilians mourn, Palestinians have yet again begun celebrating terrorism and violence. 

Amongst the murdered were two foreign workers from Ukraine, sasha and dima. Andriy Yermak, ukraine preisdient zelenskiys chief of staff stated I nresponse, “terrorism known no borders an neither does pain or grief. Ukraine now understands what israel has been facing for decades. Israel and Ukraine will prevail- absoultely certain.” Meanwhile Palestinians like Gigi and Bella Hadid are tryign to exploit the Ukrainian cause by stating they are fighting the same war as palestinians.  

Please note  that this is not a comprehensive list. 


Last Monday, The Shin Bet security agency and IDF arrested at least 12 Arabs with ties to ISIS, a day after shooting attack was committed by members of the jihadist group.


In the meantime, there have been other attacks and attempts at intimidation, such as attempted stabbing attack in Beer Sheva and two Arabs running after a Jewish driver wielding a knife and metal objects after being asked to move when blocking an exit. Also, an attempted shooting and the stabbing of an Israeli in the West Bank. Then, a shooting in Tel Aviv just yesterday.


Americans: recognize the fact that our taxpayer dollars are going into the hands of these terrorists’ families. Palestinians not only name school and streets after martyrs who murder others and sacrificed themselves for the sake of Islamic resistance, but the Palestinian Authority also give generous cash prizes to the family members of those martyrs. Since 1993, the 7-10 billion dollars that the Palestinian Authority has received have come from the European union, the US, Saudi Arabia and other Arab League nations, and even France which has sent in over 3 billion dollars.


The Taylor Force act was a bill passed in 2017 after an American was fatally stabbed in 2016 in an Israel terror attack that wounded 10 others. Taylor Force graduated from West Point and was a field artillery officer in the U.S. Army until 2014. The United States providing aid to the Palestinian Authority is a direct violation of this Act, which prohibits economic support to the PA form being made available to the west bank and Gaza unless the dep of state verifies that the PA, Palestine liberation org and any successor or affiliated orgs stop funding terrorists and end acts of violence against the US and Israel. 


Meanwhile, the Biden administration is continuing talks with Iran about the nuclear deal, when Iran is continuing to fund Palestinian terrorist organizations. Remember that both the Palestinian Islamic Jihad and Hamas are Iranian proxies. 


In the meantime, what have Palestinians done to help themselves? Teach their children to murder. Encourage people to become self-sacrifices for the sake of Islam and their resistance to Jews who they claim are a threat to their existence and even Islam itself. Allow for terrorist organizations such as Hamas to use them as human shields while attacking Israeli civilian areas. Allow for the rest of the Middle East which is very vocal about being anti-West, to use them as pawns so as to blame Palestinian suffering on Israel’s existence. Essentially. Palestinian can do no wrong. Even though they have been offered land time and again and refused. Even though they have had opportunities for peace and rejected. Even though many of them have even benefitted from Israel’s existence such as receiving medical care there or having opportunities to work. At the end of the day they justify the murdering of Israelis by stating they don’t belong in the Middle East and even worse- don’t deserve to live at all. If you look into Palestinian culture and society, a lot of it revolves around the beliefs that Jews are subhuman- and are regarded as vampires and demons.


Yesterday several hundred pro-Palestinian supporters protested against Israel in NYC. They chanted that “resistance is justified when people are colonized.” As in, they support the ISIS terrorists. Yes, the same ones who call for the destruction of America. They support the Palestinian Liberation Organization, Fatah, Hamas- all classified as terrorist organizations. 


They also chanted to globalize the intifada. The intifada is the stabbing, shooting, car ramming and harassment of Jews in Israel. Globalize the intifada? Globalize the murder of Jews? In the past when there have been increased attacks on Jews in Israel, there have also been increased attack on Jews in the international community. One major example was in May of last years when a 23 year old Jewish man joseph borgen wearing a kippa clearly identifying him as a Jew, was attacked in New York City by a pro-Palestinian antisemitic gang yelling F Jews and F Israel. An increased number of Anti-Semitic attacks were being reported in US cities as tension between Israel and Palestinian terrorists increased. 


One of the terrorists who killed five people this past week was affiliate with Fatah, the Palestine liberation Organization’s most prominent faction. Fatah related militia groups such as the tanzim, force 17, and the Al-Aqsa martyrs brigade played a leading role in Palestinian violence during the second intifada including suicide attacks, ambushes and shootings of Israeli vehicles and facilities. All of these organizations 

are listed on the United States list of foreign terrorist organizations.


This is an excerpt from back in 2002, on Israel Independence Day in the House of Representatives: “if Arafat can succeed, then bin Laden can succeed. Not because they share the same goals, but because they share the same tactics.”



So, what is to happen? 

What should Israel do?

Protect itself or allow for its people to be murdered and live in fear?

Why should Israel not protect its people? It is the right and duty for every country to protect its people from foreign attackers. 


Let me tell you what is going to happen. Because this pattern has happened time and time again. The media will ignore these acts of terrorism and will only focus on the very much warranted and necessary response from Israel. 


Then “Palestinian refugees” like Bella and Gigi Hadid will cry and claim that Palestinians didn’t have a choice. They will side with the terrorists while living in America, which these same terrorists also hate and wish to destroy. The self-pity and the blame on everyone else.


Palestinians should have accepted one of the many peace offerings throughout the years, so that their people could finally live in peace. 

They should have taken charge of their own future instead of blaming Jews for not allowing themselves to be annihilated before, during and after the state of Israel’s creation. 

However, this is much too “unfair” for them to accept the fact that Israel exists and is a Jewish state that holds western values. 


People will remove responsibility from the terrorists and blame Israel for not allowing itself to be destroyed.


These attacks will continue. More people will die or be injured. Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad will continue to harass and murder Israelis. 


Israel will respond. Then Israel will be labeled as the aggressor. 


All will be forgotten and forgiven EXCEPT for Israel rightfully standing up for itself. 


Palestinians who are raised to murder and taught to kill…. Parents who send off their children to commit suicide attacks just to kill Israelis… terrorists who have refused time and again to make peace with Israel…. Who allowed Hamas to govern in Gaza after Israel gave it up in 2005 after being promised peace…Their reality is the product of their own choices and failure to take responsibility for the wellbeing of their families and futures. Because the future is not found in killing people to make statements. It will never be found in murder and terrorism. Violence will never prevail. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Reporting of Terrorism in the Media

View video on my instagram here.

Today a Palestinian terrorist stabbed and killed 4 Israeli civilians in Beersheba, Israel. 

Later in the day, Palestinians celebrated by passing out candy In the streets. This is something they do often after seeing those they hate murdered. Americans watching, just so you know Palestinians were handing out candy in the streets after 9/11 as well. 

These are videos of Palestinians screaming Allahu akhbar (God is greatest) in Arabic- which is often also screamed by terrorists right before blowing themselves up or as committing other acts of terrorism. 


News outlets such as al Jazeera and BBC fail to mention the attacker was a Palestinian who had actually been previously jailed for supporting and attempting to join the Islamic State. Al Jazeera fails to mention in its heading that Israelis were targeted and killed. It says he reportedly carried out an attack. It is very clear here but to Al Jazeera it’s just reportedly/according to what some say. 


But of course, I’m not surprised. Some info about al Jazeera. It is the most popular news channel in the Arab world. It is funded by the country of Qatar, which also funds the terrorist groups Hamas- an islamist militant group that is an offshoot of the Muslim brotherhood and an Iranian proxy designated a terrorist org by many countries including the USA.

In short, don’t believe everything you see in the media and be mindful of where you are getting your information. Also, understand that the people committing these crimes all the way in the middle east, are the same people who call for the destruction of the united states of America and the rest of the free world.  

Thursday, March 10, 2022

This Is Why Ukraine and “Palestine” Are Not the Same

Watch video version here.

Middle East affairs (particularly that of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict), terrorist organizations, human rights abuses, and information warfare are topics that I have been studying and blogging about for 9 years now. To see uneducated, ill-informed, selfish people compare the goals of terrorist organizations to that of the Ukrainian people is absolutely unacceptable and dangerous. We cannot downplay the murderous acts of terrorists and extremists who attack Israeli civilians (by the way these terrorists are of the same breed as those who terrorized Americans on 9/11 and attempted to in 1993- if you know then you know or look it up), by claiming those terrorists are in any way in the same position as the Ukrainians are in now. Here are some reasons why. 
Earlier this week Gigi Hadid compared the Ukrainian cause to that of the Palestinians’. She and her counterparts have clearly been struggling with some sort of amnesia because comparing the situation in Ukraine to the situation in the Middle East- specifically that of Israel and the Palestinian Territories- is an absolute disrespect to all of the people not only suffering from Russia’s actions (which at this point may as well be every human being), but also to Jews all over the world who are directly affected by the false claims of Israel’s existence being comparable to Russia breaking international laws and committing war crimes while attacking its neighboring sovereign country Ukraine.
Let’s get some things straight here. 
It is both Ukraine and Israel, not Russia and the Palestinian Territories- that are examples of freedom including that of speech, sexuality, religion, press, and self-expression. Palestinians are living in territories under the leadership of terrorist organizations such as Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (both of which are Iranian proxies and offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood which are both leading sponsors of terrorism). They are absolutely not free to express themselves in these ways. LGBTQ individuals are murdered mercilessly, civilians are used as human shields, children are taught to murder and women and young individuals are encouraged to act as self-sacrifices for the sake of murdering their unwelcome neighbors… who by the way are there legally (will get to that later). 
Israel is the only Democracy in the Middle East, and gives Palestinians and Arabs more freedom than their own countries do. Over the past several days, Israel has brought Arabs and Muslims home to their countries in the rest of the Middle East, when their countries left them stranded. There are many Israeli former soldiers who are fighting in Ukraine right now. It was Russia, by the way, who oppressed Jews- not allowing them to hold certain jobs or to practice Judaism. Today, the Ukrainian President is himself a proud Jew and has even said, “We know what it’s like not to have an own state. We know what it means to defend one’s own state and land with weapons in hand, at the cost of our lives. Both Ukrainians and Jews value freedom, and they work equally for the future of our states to become to our liking, and not the future which others want for us. Israel is often an example for Ukraine.”
There are Ukrainians guarding synagogues and Torah scrolls during this war. Israel is sending a ton of aid to Ukraine and accepting Ukrainians into Israel. The Palestinian “leadership” is nowhere in sight. Except when trying to compare their “cause” to that of the Ukrainians’.
Putin said that he wants to de-Nazify Ukraine (as if he is one to talk) and has many Russians believing that what he is doing is not just acceptable, but right! He has enforced a law that will have people thrown in to jail for up to 15 years for using certain words in regards to the WAR or speaking out against it. He has officially criminalized independent war reporting and anti-war protests. He has censored and blocked non-government media. 
Same with Palestinian territories. Palestinians are brainwashed, made to believe that Israel is their worst enemy, so much so that it is worth committing suicide if could even kill even just one Israeli (as we have seen this week Palestinians committing stabbing attacks in Jerusalem risking their own lives for the sake of their country when all along, they have had many opportunities for normal negotiations aka communicating and setting standards as opposed to murdering people right and left). It is dangerous to support Israel as a Palestinian. Lies upon lies are fed into the minds of Russians and Palestinians alike. As a child of former refugees from Russia, I have heard first-hand about the lack of freedom and equal opportunity experienced by those who were living in the former Soviet Union. Putin is now returning Russia to Soviet-era operations and way of life. 
We haven’t yet even mentioned the holding of power in office. The last elections for the Palestinian Legislative Council were held in 2006. Mahmoud Abbas is in the 17th year of his Palestinian presidency. Putin first became president in 2000 and was reelected in 2004. At the time, Russian presidents were limited to two terms in power, so Putin returned to being PM before becoming president again in 2012 – an election embroiled by allegations of fraud. He has been president ever since, after being re-elected in 2018. In 2021 he signed constitutional amendments into law, allowing him to run for president two more times, potentially extending his presidency to 2036.
Also let’s talk about where these two individuals come from, and their ties to terrorism. This isn’t even a comprehensive list. 
Putin is a former KGB spy. The KGB was the main security agency for the Soviet Union. “The Soviet Union, through KGB personnel and its allies, provided training, weapons, and funding to guerilla and terrorist groups throughout the world to undermine the interests of the United States and its allies in strategic countries” (US Department of Justice). 
“In the battle for empire between East and West, the Soviet security services had long been deploying what they called their own “active measures” to disrupt and destabilize their opponent. Locked in the Cold War but realizing it was too far behind technologically to win any military war, ever since the sixties the Soviet Union had found its strength in disinformation, in planting fake rumors in the media to discredit Western leaders, in assassinating political opponents, and in supporting front organizations that would instigate wars in developing countries such as the Middle East and Africa and undermine and sow discord in the West” (Politico). 
“Among these measures was support for terrorist organizations. Across the Middle East, the KGB had forged ties with numerous terror groups, most notably with the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, a splinter group of the Palestine Liberation Organization that carried out a string of plane hijackings and bomb attacks in the late sixties and seventies. Top-secret documents illustrate the depth of some of these connections. They show the then-KGB chief signing off three requests for Soviet weapons from the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine leader Wadi Haddad, and describing him as a ‘trusted agent’ of the KGB” (Politico). 
The Palestinians today, by the way, as well as other Middle East countries, are the ones who are siding with Putin. 
Historic ties bind many Palestinians with Moscow- those who studied in the former Soviet Union, which provided aid and comfort for years to the Palestine Liberation Organization. In the early 1970s, several groups affiliated with the Palestine Liberation Organization carried out numerous international terrorist attacks. US policy accepts that elements of the Palestine Liberation Organization have advocated, carried out, or accepted responsibility for acts of terrorism. The Palestine Liberation Organization was responsible for the murder of 11 Israeli athletes at the 1972 Munich Olympic Games. Today, the Palestine Liberation Organization continues to exist; however, most of its leaders have now become top Fatah officials in the Palestinian Authority. Fatah-related militia groups, such as the Tanzim, Force 17 and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade played a leading role in Palestinian violence during the Second Intifada, including suicide terrorist attacks, ambushes, and shootings of Israeli vehicles and facilities. Current Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas was a long-time secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization and is now also its Chairman (Anti-Defamation League). 
Ukrainians have bravely joined together to fight for their home, culture, history, safety, freedom and rights to self-determination. So too with Jews living in Israel. 
The British Mandate incorporated the “Balfour Declaration” of 1917. It called for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people on land to which they have always had historical ties. Jewish people have maintained ties to their historic homeland for more than 3,700 years. A national language and a distinct civilization have been maintained. 
Many Jews, mainly from Eastern Europe were immigrating (more like returning after their ancestors had been expelled) there in increasing numbers especially due to WWII. Arabs demanded resistance to immigration and that led to rebellion in 1937, followed by continuing terrorism and violence from both sides. The UK considered various options to bring independence to a land devastated by violence, but handed the issue over to the UN.
The Jewish people were given land under the UN Partition Plan of 1947. The land, mainly what is now Israel, was split between Palestinians and Jews. The Jews accepted the offer from the UN, while the Palestinians rejected it. That led to 5 major Arab countries attacking Israel, with Israel ultimately winning its War of Independence- a true miracle. The “refugee crisis” was created by the Arab countries who told Palestinians to leave so that they could destroy the newly created state of Israel and then have the Palestinians return to the lands they claimed to own although that land was controlled by the British before they handed it to the UN. 
When the Arab countries lost, instead of taking in the Palestinian refugees they created, they left them on the doorsteps of a country they failed to destroy. And blamed that on Israel not allowing itself to be annihilated. The Palestinians have rejected opportunities to live in peace with Israel, time and time again. 
Why are Gigi and Bella Hadid, multimillionaires living in California, considered Palestinian refugees? Because Palestinians refugee status gets passed down through offspring. Well, I am a child of refugees and so are majority of my Jewish friends. Even many non-Jews. However, we do not have refugee status. I don’t want it. I have no desire to be classified as a refugee. But this tells you something about the Palestinians. Instead of choosing peace, they choose war. This is not about land for them, it is about from the river to the sea… there will be no Jewish state whatsoever. This issue of refugees could have been solved, just like other refugee crises. Instead, they resort to terrorism and harassment of those they failed to murder because they were unhappy with the partitioning of a land that did not even belong to them. This says a lot. 
It was Zelensky who even asked Israeli PM Naftali Bennet to mediate conversations between Ukraine and Russia. Bennet met with both parties on Saturday and refrained from personally condemning Russian offensive in Ukraine in order to maintain Israel’s ability to operate against Iranian proxies in Syria, where Russia controls the skies (Ukraine and Israel essentially share the SAME ENEMIES). 
If anyone is looking to destroy foreign entities, it is Russia and the Arab countries that are aligned with Palestinians. Ukraine and Israel have been and continue to defend themselves in order to survive. 
It is the Palestinian leaders and Hamas and the Palestinian Islamic Jihad who refuse to negotiate with Israel. Just like Russia- using force over innocent civilians instead of sitting down at the table to talk. It was Putin who signed an agreement recognizing Ukrainian sovereignty. Palestinians won’t recognize Israel’s right to exist in any shape or form. Clearly this is the case of Putin with Ukraine. Only difference is that Ukraine gave up its nukes, while Israel continues to be one of the strongest countries which is why it still continues to exist (thank G-d). Now for some reason America is making it easier for Iran to get nuclear weapons. Haven’t we seen what happens when bad guys get such power?
And Russia has the audacity to state that Western sanctions imposed over the conflict in Ukraine have become a stumbling block for the Iran nuclear deal. Russia wants a written guarantee from the United States that Russia's trade, investment and military-technical cooperation with Iran will not be hindered in any way by the sanctions (Reuters). 
Why are we giving so much power to terrorists?
The Russian mission in the United Nations (why is Russia still in the UN?) even had the audacity to state their concern over Israel’s legal and peaceful control over the Golan Heights (which by the way was annexed by Israel after preemptively striking Egypt in 1967 and winning that war). Soviet Union military alliances in the 1950s and 60s- mainly supplying Arab countries with military aid- as well as their supplying false intelligence to Egypt stating that Israel was massing troops to attack Syria- were some factors that led up to that war in the first place (Jewish Virtual Library).
The hypocrisy never ends. The more the media and others entertain this game of lies and murder played by terrorists, the more dangerous the world becomes. 
We may not have missiles flying over our heads right now, but we know that we are not untouchable. 9/11 was not an attack that happened because some people were bored and had nothing better to do. It was a thought-out master plan that succeeded in its goal: attack the West. 
There is a reason Israel is America’s strongest ally in the Middle East. There is a reason why the Arab world sees Israel as the Little Satan and America as the Great Satan. Fighting Israel, especially now, would be shooting ourselves in the foot. We need to stand together as free nations, as those who enjoy the benefits of freedom, to prevent terrorist entities from acquiring even more power. 
Israel is not perfect, but it has always stood for freedom and Western values- which both the Arab world and Russia are vehemently against. We are seeing this from Russia in the worst way right now. These are extremely important points to understand. Don’t fall into the trap of thinking Israel is the same as Russia. It is Israel that has been fighting Russia indirectly all along. It is Israel that is on the side of truth when it comes to this play of powers. 
Better yet, focus on Ukraine right now. The reason I write this is to respond to people who want to create hatred towards Israel, by using current events in Ukraine to support their own rhetoric. This is shameful and disgusting. Gigi and Bella Hadid should be held accountable for ignoring the true pain and suffering of the Ukrainian people by instead trying to create nonexistent ties with Palestinians who are nowhere to be found in support of Ukrainians as they fight for everything they have. Also, for siding with groups that have called for the destruction of freedom- both in Ukraine and here in the US. This is extremely concerning. 
Take a stand. Share the truth. Your personal safety ultimately relies on it.