Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Supporting Terrorism Against Jews and the Destuction of the Only State IS Anti-Semitic... Also this Democratic Florida Congressional Candidate Is (Not Surprisingly) Ignorant

This post is in response to the article linked below:

First point: supporting the Palestinians having their own state is obviously not anti-Semitic. The issue is supporting a government, leadership, and individuals who support the murder of Israelis and Jews or the eradication of the only Jewish state. Palestinians have had many opportunities for peace and have rejected them because they simply do not accept having Jews as neighbors. Supporting this hatred IS anti-Semitic. The issue is that many people do not know what they are supporting. For some reason they hear about all the lies around Israel bulldozing houses with people inside (idiotic, really, to believe such a thing)- yet fail to hear about, or simply ignore, Palestinians carrying out terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. Knowing what Palestinians say openly and proudly about not ever going to live with Jews, as well as the number of Jews killed because of that mentality... it’s fair to see why people think it’s anti-Semitic. As far as a two-state solution: that was what the 1947 partition Plan was!!! Rejected! As well as all the the other offers. Jews have done enough to appease and shouldn’t have to put their safety on the line any longer to make people who hate them satisfied which is what a two state solution would take. If you want the Palestinaisn to have a state, get them to come to the table. and no- Israel is not repsonsible for makign them happy and satisfied. We already saw what happened with Gaza in 2005. 

Second: How could this woman be so IGNORANT to believe that Israel is bulldozing homes with people inside of them? Israel can't even defend its own borders without being attacked by the international community, let alone bulldozing someone's home for no reason (especially with people inside). More regarding "for no resaon statement" below. Like I told a Pakistani member in this group, Israel is not interested in killing people. It has important things to do... like surviving. It already recieves enough negative attention and you think Israel is going to bulldoze homes with people inside?? This leads me to share information about the bulldozing news (pinned above at the top of this group as an announcement), but I will share it here as well:

Be very careful about believing what you see in the media. Pallywood is real. Palestinians like to create propoganda showing injured civilians, yet behind the scens footage shows these "injured victims" (aka actors) laughing and running. The media loves to victimize the Palestinians and so will coddle basically anything they claim to be true when in fact it's all lies. 

Israeli authorities give notices saying when buildings are constructed without the correct permits. Many are also locateded on sites where houses have been razed before which means that owners was aware of this and ignore it. These illegal buildings also pose a risk to IDF stationed on the border.

There are Palestinians building homes very close to the border with Area C, and the IDF sees this as a security threat. Israel has dealt with issues like this in the past, with Palestinians building closer and closer to Area C. We know this is dangerous for Israelis living in other parts of the West Bank (areas where they are legally allowed to enter, Jews are not allowed to enter area A as it is run completely by the Palestinian Authority). After all, it had been near Bethlehem where Dvir Sorek was murdered not very long ago.

Furthermore, many Palestinians do not recognize Israel’s borders and so claim that a certain area is under PA control although it is not. They will simply state that where they are standing and 20 miles over into Israeli territory is theirs as well. This is what happens when you are trying to make peace with a people who ignore all your efforts and legal boundaries. It creates issues. Then when they build in illegal areas and have their buildings destroyed (with fair warning!!!), they blame Israel. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND! This occurrence is not uncommon. Many Palestinains do not recognize Israel and so therefore do not acknowledge Israel's borders.

View article here: Florida Dem Accuses Israel of Bulldozing Palestinians in Their Homes

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