Thursday, September 26, 2019

Harvard Law Students Applauding for Terrorist


Israel is a democratic country that has every right to defend itself and has LEGALLY (as it 1000% should), yet this lunatic has law students attending one of the most prestigious institutions in the country clapping at the idea of removing Israel's right to defend itself against the same terrorism that targeted the USA on 9/11 and that continues to threaten our values!

The woman that Noura endorsed in the tweet is Rasmeah Odeh, a convicted Palestinian terrorist responsible for the murder of two college students in 1969.
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Today, I went with my colleagues to hear Noura Erakat speak at the Harvard Law school. Noura is a lawyer and "human rights" activist who vehemently opposes Zionism and any form of Jewish self-determination. 
I sat quietly through the entire discussion and decided to challenge her long record of support for prosecuting former IDF soldiers.

I asked: "Noura, I served in the IDF. Should I be prosecuted?"
Noura responded: Well, that depends. What did you do in the army?
I responded: "I was a combat soldier with the Paratroopers."
Noura responded: "Maybe, there might even be people in this room who will prosecute you. They will hopefully be successful"

80% of the classroom, filled with nearly 120 students, exploded in applause.
How interesting that law students attending one of the most prestigious institutions in the country immediately dispensed with the presumption of innocence to demonize Israel's military.

Credit: Yoni Michanie 

What the Media Won't Tell You: Jews and Arabs Co-Exist in Israel; They Save Each Other's Lives

What the media won’t tell you! People in Israel coexist!! SHARE 

The only place in the Middle East where Jews are saving Arabs and Arabs are saving Jews. 

On his way to a dinner in London, the president of United Hatzalah, Eli Beer, performed CPR on an Arab cardiac arrest victim in Ben-Gurion International Airport.

They Claim "Climate Apartheid' and Now I Can't Stop Laughing

Climate apartheid??? 😅😂
All you can do with this is just troll 🤣🤣
By the way, this has been a thing. Israel in the past has been accused of stealing the water from clouds that could be raining over Iran 🤣😭

Ireland 🇮🇪 has become the most anti-Israel nation on the planet outside of Iran and the Middle East.

It is about to enshrine into law the modern equivalent of discrimination against Jews: BDS. It is the first national parliament in Europe to do so.

Article can be found here: Is Ireland setting a dangerous precedent on Israel?

Israel Tops Environmental Performance, world leader in the environmental movement. Israel is singled out for its wall

An amazing article written by a former professor of mine:

🔺Israel ranks No. 19 in the most recent Environmental Performance Index, just behind New Zealand and the Netherlands, just ahead of Japan and Australia, and in fact several places above Canada and the U.S.

🔺By contrast, Gaza, which has been a totally self-governing territory, administered by Hamas since 2007, is an environmental disaster with unsafe drinking water, poor sanitation and contaminated beaches. To be sure, the locals blame the Israelis for these conditions, but the truth is, Hamas does almost nothing to protect the environment.

🔺Israel is a world leader in the environmental movement, with technological developments in drip irrigation, solar energy, desalination, aeroponic farming and more — much of which it exports to developing nations, especially in Africa.

🔺Not only Israel, but also Egypt has constructed a wall on its border with Gaza. To repeat the above question: is there some reason why only Israel is criticized for this action? If such criticism is merited, should Egypt be similarly criticized?

🔺Why single out Israel for such a wall? Such walls also exist (or are presently under construction) between the following countries: Botswana and Zimbabwe, South Africa and Mozambique, Argentina and Paraguay, India and Myanmar, India and Bangladesh, Iran and Pakistan, Pakistan and Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia and Yemen, Thailand and Malaysia, Hungary and Serbia, Hungary and Slovenia, Macedonia and Greece, Norway and Russia, Slovenia and Croatia, among others.

🔺To single out Israel for unwarranted criticism, especially in light of its stellar environmental record, tells us more about SJP than it does about climate change issues both in the Middle East and throughout the world. 

Students for Justice in Palestine, where is your criticism of China, which has detained approximately a million Uyghurs in re-education camps, in an effort to denude its culture of Islam?
Where is your criticism of Syria, where a despotic leader and his regime have killed hundreds of thousands of their own citizens? 
Where is your criticism of all the parties engaged in war in Yemen — the Houthis, the Saudis, their allies and more — which have brought death, famine, cholera and destruction to the beautiful country? Does your silence imply that you approve of the Houthi army populating its ranks with child soldiers?
Where is your criticism of the various parties in South Sudan, where the civil war has killed 400,000 innocent people and has led to 1.75 million people being displaced from their homes?
Where is your criticism of Iran with its well-known human rights violations against the LGBTQ+ community?
Where is your criticism of India’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party, with its nationalist tendencies, which recently has taken various steps to suppress the Muslim minority in the country? 

By contrast, in Israel and Palestine, there have been no mass killings, no mass deportations, no wars that have brought famine and cholera, no mass re-education camps, no removal of citizenship, no detentions of academics and journalists: none of this.

Finally, returning to climate change issues, where is your criticism of Indonesia, which indiscriminately cuts down the rain forest to make room for palm tree groves, actions which have caused – indeed, as you were gathering on Friday – the worst air pollution on the planet?
Do you not watch the news? Are you not concerned citizens of the world? Or is your attention so focused on Israel and Palestine, about which you invent calumnies, that you wear blinders to the truly crucial trouble spots in the world?

Full article can be found here: Israel unfairly singled out during climate change protests

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Supporting Terrorism Against Jews and the Destuction of the Only State IS Anti-Semitic... Also this Democratic Florida Congressional Candidate Is (Not Surprisingly) Ignorant

This post is in response to the article linked below:

First point: supporting the Palestinians having their own state is obviously not anti-Semitic. The issue is supporting a government, leadership, and individuals who support the murder of Israelis and Jews or the eradication of the only Jewish state. Palestinians have had many opportunities for peace and have rejected them because they simply do not accept having Jews as neighbors. Supporting this hatred IS anti-Semitic. The issue is that many people do not know what they are supporting. For some reason they hear about all the lies around Israel bulldozing houses with people inside (idiotic, really, to believe such a thing)- yet fail to hear about, or simply ignore, Palestinians carrying out terrorist attacks against Israeli civilians. Knowing what Palestinians say openly and proudly about not ever going to live with Jews, as well as the number of Jews killed because of that mentality... it’s fair to see why people think it’s anti-Semitic. As far as a two-state solution: that was what the 1947 partition Plan was!!! Rejected! As well as all the the other offers. Jews have done enough to appease and shouldn’t have to put their safety on the line any longer to make people who hate them satisfied which is what a two state solution would take. If you want the Palestinaisn to have a state, get them to come to the table. and no- Israel is not repsonsible for makign them happy and satisfied. We already saw what happened with Gaza in 2005. 

Second: How could this woman be so IGNORANT to believe that Israel is bulldozing homes with people inside of them? Israel can't even defend its own borders without being attacked by the international community, let alone bulldozing someone's home for no reason (especially with people inside). More regarding "for no resaon statement" below. Like I told a Pakistani member in this group, Israel is not interested in killing people. It has important things to do... like surviving. It already recieves enough negative attention and you think Israel is going to bulldoze homes with people inside?? This leads me to share information about the bulldozing news (pinned above at the top of this group as an announcement), but I will share it here as well:

Be very careful about believing what you see in the media. Pallywood is real. Palestinians like to create propoganda showing injured civilians, yet behind the scens footage shows these "injured victims" (aka actors) laughing and running. The media loves to victimize the Palestinians and so will coddle basically anything they claim to be true when in fact it's all lies. 

Israeli authorities give notices saying when buildings are constructed without the correct permits. Many are also locateded on sites where houses have been razed before which means that owners was aware of this and ignore it. These illegal buildings also pose a risk to IDF stationed on the border.

There are Palestinians building homes very close to the border with Area C, and the IDF sees this as a security threat. Israel has dealt with issues like this in the past, with Palestinians building closer and closer to Area C. We know this is dangerous for Israelis living in other parts of the West Bank (areas where they are legally allowed to enter, Jews are not allowed to enter area A as it is run completely by the Palestinian Authority). After all, it had been near Bethlehem where Dvir Sorek was murdered not very long ago.

Furthermore, many Palestinians do not recognize Israel’s borders and so claim that a certain area is under PA control although it is not. They will simply state that where they are standing and 20 miles over into Israeli territory is theirs as well. This is what happens when you are trying to make peace with a people who ignore all your efforts and legal boundaries. It creates issues. Then when they build in illegal areas and have their buildings destroyed (with fair warning!!!), they blame Israel. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND! This occurrence is not uncommon. Many Palestinains do not recognize Israel and so therefore do not acknowledge Israel's borders.

View article here: Florida Dem Accuses Israel of Bulldozing Palestinians in Their Homes

Sunday, September 15, 2019


🛑 Hezbollah is an Iranian proxy in Lebanon working with the Palestinians Islamic Jihad (also an Iranian proxy) towards the shared goal to annihilate Israel. 
🛑 Its 1985 manifesto reportedly states "our struggle will end only when this entity [Israel] is obliterated. We recognize no treaty with it, no ceasefire, and no peace agreements."
🛑 Hezbollah was conceived by Muslim clerics and funded by Iran primarily to harass Israel. Its leaders were followers of Ayatollah Khomeini. Religious extremist Ali Khamenei has been Iran’s Supreme Leader since 1989 and remains the most powerful figure in the government. He is responsible for Iran’s countless human rights violations, sponsorship of global terrorism, and violations of the UN’s nuclear non-proliferation treaty.
⁉️ Germany 🇩🇪 will not follow Britain’s lead in declaring Hezbollah a terrorist organization, a senior official was quoted as saying on Friday, a decision that may fuel tensions with Saudi Arabia and the United States. View article here

Skewed News, Illegal Building by Palestinians, Lack of Recognition of Israel's Legal Borders

SKEWED NEWS ALERT and learning opportunity! 

A couple of weeks ago, a member asked about this and I am re-sharing it because others may have the same question or may be confused when they see something like this in the news. PLEASE read below where it says “IMPORTANT.”

QUESTION: Does anyone have information as to what the truth is in this situation? I fail to believe the article is truthful. (Article here)

ANSWER: In the article it does say that Israeli authorities gave her a notice saying the building was constructed without the correct permits. It was also located on a site where houses have been razed twice before. Clearly the owner was aware of this and there were issues before, which she ignored. These illegal buildings also pose a risk to IDF stationed on the border.
There are Palestinians building homes very close to the border with Area C, and the IDF sees this as a security threat. Israel has dealt with issues like this in the past, with Palestinians building closer and closer to Area C. We know this is dangerous for Israelis living in other parts of the West Bank (areas where they are legally allowed to enter, Jews are not allowed to enter area A as it is run completely by the Palestinian Authority). After all, it had been near Bethlehem where Dvir Sorek was murdered not very long ago. 

IMPORTANT: Many times, the media will simply listen to claims made by Palestinians and other news sources. They will blindly believe that the area they are referring to is truly under control of the Palestinian Authority (PA). HOWEVER, as we know, many Palestinians do not recognize Israel’s borders and so claim that a certain area is under PA control although it is not. They will simply state that where they are standing and 20 miles over into Israeli territory is theirs as well. This is what happens when you are trying to make peace with a people who ignore all your efforts and legal boundaries. It creates issues. Then when they build in illegal areas and have their buildings destroyed (with fair warning!!!), they blame Israel. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT TO UNDERSTAND! I do not know what the specific situation was in this case, but this occurrence is not uncommon. Many Palestinains do not recognize Israel and so therefore do not acknowledge Israel's borders. We also know that the media loves to victimize the Palestinians and so will coddle basically anything they claim to be true when in fact it's all lies. 

Some more info on Palestinians and Area C: 

Ever since a decision in January 2012, the EU has been committed to the expansion of illegal Palestinian settlement in Area C in conjunction with the PA. This is in blatant disregard of the Oslo accords, which the EU purports to uphold. The objective is to create continuous Palestinian settlement throughout the West Bank and thereby isolate and strangle Israeli communities.

This arrangement raises numerous issues such as settlement building in Area C: According to the Oslo Accords, Israel is legally allowed to build there i.e. the Palestinian negotiators agreed to it. Despite this, Israel is often accused of settlement expansion against the wishes of both the Palestinians and many in the wider international community. Also, the influence of the European Union and other foreign governments: Palestinian communities in Area C have benefited from foreign aid and development. The Israeli government considers this to be political meddling. European aid for Palestinian construction in Area C is regarded as illegal by Israel.

It is often alleged that Israeli settlement in Judea and Samaria is “gobbling-up” Palestinian lands in Area C. This is nonsense, as a straightforward encounter with basic facts makes clear that most of Area C is breathtakingly empty: the Judean desert, the northern Samarian desert and the Jordan Valley. These precincts are mostly nature reserves, firing zones and grazing grounds, amounting to more than half of the land in Area C (200,000 of the 350,000 hectares, or 500,000 of 860,000 acres).

All Jewish and Arab inhabitation of Area C cover only about 40% of the land mass. That consists of about 200,000 Palestinians in 25 towns and hundreds of unorganized hamlets, with homes sitting on 8% of the territory and agriculture on another 25%. There are also 400,000 Israelis living in Area C, and their settlements sit on only 2.5% of Area C (which means that their population density is currently more than six times as much), with plans for expansion to another 7%.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Palestinians Celebrating 9/11

Sickening 😡 Palestinians celebrating the fall of the World Trade Center on 9/11. “Some people did something” said Ilhan Omar. Let’s make it clear who did what, shall we?
As opposed to Israel, which commemorates 9/11 every year and has the only monument outside of the US that includes all the names of the victims.

We must educate as well as commemorate so that when we say “never again” it can actually mean something. This extremism, hatred, and terrorism is alive and well.
I am writing this not to point fingers, but to share something very important that people overlook. The hatred we see over in Israel (the only democaracy in the Middle East and America’s greatest ally there) is the same hatred we saw on 9/11 and that is still very much existent. After all, the organizations created for and working towards Israel’s destruction are the same organizations that assisted in 9/11. These organizations call for the demise of both Israel and the United States.
The Muslim Brotherhood wrote out an actual plan back in 2015, focused on the infiltration and destruction of the United States. More about this here:
The primary state backers of the Muslim Brotherhood are Qatar and Turkey. Ever wonder why Qatar sends millions to Hamas?! Because guess what... Hamas (as well as the PIJ) is an offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood. Hamas and the PIJ are also Iranian proxies and working with Hezbollah. Both Iran and Hezbollah assisted Al-Qaeda in 9/11. The Brotherhood has direct ties to Al-Qaeda, which was responsible for 9/11. I will stress again and again the relationships that you need to understand.
The hatred we saw on 9/11 is the same hatred Israel faces daily. Also, Al Qaeda leader Zawahri marked this 9/11 anniversary by calling for jihadists to attack both Israel and the US.
If you aren't already familiar with this information, now is the time to learn. We must protect our freedom and our allies who help keep this dream alive. To learn more, visit:

List of Opportunities Palestinians Had For Peace… And Rejected

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Ilhan Omar

Mrs. Omar has publicly called for the protection of Hormuud. Yet Hormuud Telecom has been mentioned as a sponsor of terrorism, not once, not twice, but many, many times. 
What is Hormuud?
Hormuud Telecom Somalia Inc. is a private Somalian telecommunications company founded by Ahmed Nur Ali Jimale in April of 2002.

The United Nations Security Council’s Report of the Secretary-General on the situation in Somalia, dated 20 July 2009, contained the following paragraphs involving the activities of Ahmed Nur Ali Jimale, his company Hormuud and his direct support for al-Shabaab, a jihadist militant Islamic terrorist group in Somalia (pages 10-11):
“Ali Ahmed Nur Jim’ale (Jim’ale) has served in leadership roles with the former Somali Council of Islamic Courts, also known as the Somali Islamic Courts Union, which was a radical-Islamist element. The most radical elements of the Somali Islamic Courts Union eventually formed the group known as al-Shabaab.
Al-Shabaab was listed for targeted sanctions in April 2010 by the United Nations Security Council committee established pursuant to resolutions 751 (1992) and 1907 concerning Somalia and Eritrea (the “Somalia/Eritrea Sanctions Committee”).
“According to the July 18, 2011 report of the Somalia/Eritrea Sanctions Committee’s Monitoring Group (S/2011/433), Jim’ale is identified as a prominent businessman and figure in the al-Shabaab charcoal-sugar trading cycle and benefitting from privileged relationships with al-Shabaab.”
“Jim’ale is identified as one of al-Shabaab’s chief financiers and is ideologically aligned with al-Shabaab.”
As of fall 2007, Jim’ale established a front company in Djibouti for extremist activities called the Investors Group. The short term goal of the group was, through the funding of extremist activities and weapons purchases, to destabilize Somaliland. The group assisted in smuggling small arms from Eritrea through Djibouti into the 5th region of Ethiopia where extremists received the shipment. As of mid-2008, Jim’ale continued to operate the Investors Group.
Written by @mohammadtawhidi
To read the full article, click here
There is evidence that Rep Omar may have committed the following crimes: perjury immigration fraud, federal tax fraud marriage fraud, state and federal tax fraud and student loan fraud. Americans deserve to know if Rep. Omar is guilty. Sign now to support and investigation into her! Click here

The son of a victim of the September 11 terror attacks criticized Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar and "The Squad" during a remembrance ceremony at Ground Zero in New York City on Wednesday.
Nicholas Haros Jr. of New Jersey wore a shirt that referenced Omar's March remarks before the Council on American-Islamic Relations, in which she said, "CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties." After reading some victims' names Wednesday at the event commemorating the 18th anniversary of the attacks, Haros Jr. said, "Some people did something," while pointing to his shirt, on which those words were printed. The moment came as he spoke of his late mother, 76-year-old Francis Haros, as well as friends and co-workers who died in the World Trade Center attacks.
"'Some people did something,' said a freshman congresswoman from Minnesota. To support and justify the creation of CAIR. Today I am here to respond to you exactly who did what to whom," he said as some audience members applauded. "Madam, objectively speaking, we know who and what was done. There is no uncertainty about that. Why your confusion?"
"On that day, 19 Islamic terrorists, members of Al Qaeda killed over 3,000 people and caused billions in dollars of economic damage. Is that clear? But as to whom? I was attacked, your relatives and friends were attacked. Our constitutional freedoms were attacked. And our nation's founding on Judeo-Christian principles were attacked. That's what some people did. Got that now?" he continued. "We are here today, congresswoman, to tell you and The Squad just who did what to whom. Show respect in honoring them, please. American patriotism -- in your position demand it."
Full article here

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Anti-Semitism Doesn't Discriminate

A recent poll shows that 42% of American Jews believe that Trump is too pro-Israel. Article can be found here

"A significant percentage of American Jews have no religion worth mentioning, no identification with the Jewish people, and would give their very last penny to fight for abortion rights, but would write off Israel in a heartbeat." 🤦🏻‍♀️

Well, here is something for these Jews to chew on. 

Many Jews don’t want to accept this but anti-Semites don’t normally differentiate between Jews who are and aren’t proud of being Jewish or Jews who do or don’t support Israel. 

When Israel was established, over 850,000 Jews were expelled from Arab countries.
During the Holocaust, Jews were targeted even if they intermarried or didn’t identify as Jews. 

You can’t run away from the reality of being Jewish. Things might be good for us here in the USA, but there is no guarantee that this (relative) peace will last. History repeats itself. 

It’s not a matter of being afraid... it’s about being realistic and having a backup plan. Many Jews had to revert to their backup plan this year and over the past several years.

If anything were to happen here in the USA or to our fellow Jews anywhere else in the world (thousands of Jews have fled Europe over the past several months), what would your backup plan be?

France, Iran, and the Nuclear Deal

This post is in response to a news article regarding France's President Emmanuel Macron offering to extend a $15 billion letter of credit to Iran in exchange for the Islamic Republic’s compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers. Article can be found here

What a fool 🤦🏻‍♀️
Giving into terrorists. 

Some facts about Iranian president Hassan Rouhani:

 In 2004, Rouhani boasted about Iran using negotiations as cover to advance its nuclear program. “While we were talking with the Europeans in Tehran, we were installing [nuclear] equipment in… the facility in Isfahan… in fact, by creating a calm environment, we were able to complete the [nuclear] work in Isfahan.”

 Many have ignored the fact that the most powerful official in Iran remains the extremist Ayatollah Khamenei. He is Supreme Leader and still has final say in matters of nuclear, foreign, and domestic policy. He is responsible for Iran’s countless human rights violations, sponsorship of global terrorism, and violations of the UN’s nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

 Many observers around the world praised Rouhani as a moderate and hoped that his election would lead to better relations between Iran and the West. But Rouhani’s words and actions cast doubt over how moderate he really is. Rouhani’s highest ranking ministers are anything but moderate.

 Rouhani supports the murderous Syrian government and the terrorist group Hezbollah. Shortly after he was elected Rouhani affirmed his support for Hezbollah and the regime of Syrian dictator Bashar Assad. Assad and Hezbollah have killed tens of thousands in Syria, including hundreds with poison gas. Over 100,000 people have died since the Syrian civil war began in 2011.

 Rouhani supported the Iranian regime’s violent crackdown on student protesters in 1999. In 1999 Iranian students took to the streets to demand greater political and social freedoms. Rouhani spoke in favor of the regime’s decision to “crush [the protesters] mercilessly and monumentally…”
