Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Terrorism Against Israel Is Terrorism Against Us All

This group is about Israel, so why am I sharing this?
Because it's all connected. 

Hamas and the the Palestinian Islamic Jihad are offshoots of the Muslim Brotherhood... which is directly tied to Al Qaeda (responsible for 9/11). 

It is so important to know how all of these terrorist organizations work together, because it will lead you to understanding that it is all tied together. 

Having the US government ifiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood is (obviously) bad for everyone.... you must understand that the terror we see against Israel is the same terror that has spread all across the world. 

You know what they say: Israel is the little saint and America is the big saint. 
Standing for Israel is standing against radicalism and extremism that puts everyone in danger at the end of the day. 

For an overview on global terrorism, view my lecture that is up on my blog (linked at the top of this group). 

Some more info on the Muslim Brotherhood. This video is from 2015, but is still relevant today. Brigitte Gabriel was one of the first people I discovered and started learning from when I started studying terrorism and imperialism. Visti her organization ACT for America and her page Brigitte Gabriel. In this clip she outlines the Muslim Brotherhood's plan for the destruction of Western civilization:

What makes the Brotherhood particularly dangerous is their cunning strategy to infiltrate and destroy Western civilization from within.
Decades ago, the Brotherhood developed a plan to destroy the Western world from within its borders. This task was dubbed “The Project” and outlined in an eighteen-page comprehensive plan that charts the groundwork of jihadists for establishing an Islamic government in North America.

The Muslim Brotherhood has since spawned dozens and dozens of organizations across the globe, including the terrorist organizations al Qaeda and Hamas. Today, numerous Muslim organizations in America are either actively connected to the Muslim Brotherhood or owe their existence to the jihadist group.

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