Saturday, May 23, 2020

It's All About Anti-Semitism

It's all about anti-Semitism. 
The incendiary kites and balloons that Palestinians send into Israel after swastikas on them. The fact that it's a crime to eat with a Jew (and not an Israeli which could be an Arab or a Christian or Druze...). The kindergarten children (and really any Palestinian) singing about how they will murder Jews. 
Yet the international community claims that Israel not giving up even more land (like Gaza in 2005 which has since been turned into a playground for Hamas from where to shoot even more rockets at Israeli civilians) is the real obstacle to peace. 
Yeah, sure. Let's just keep ignoring the reality of the situation.
Read here

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Why a Two-State Solution Will Never Happen

Someone posted on Facebook about how calling for a two-state solution could be seen as being antisemitic. 
I am attaching a photo below, an excerpt from a book I'm currently reading called "The Jew Is Not My Enemy," by Terek Fatah. As an Indian born in Pakistan and raised as a Muslim, Fatah unveils the myths that fuel Muslim antisemitism. The highlighted portions speak volumes and are important to understand in the context of the Israeli-Arab conflict.
While I do not believe that those who do call for this solution are doing so out of animosity, I do think that people who claim a two-solution is possible are either ignorant or ignore the reality of the situation which is that the Palestinian leadership and many Palestinians have made it clear that they have no intention of living peacefully with Jews as their neighbors. 
This was what I wrote in response.
"Of course a two-state solution would be ideal but many Palestinians and the leadership which they elected are (very openly) vehemently against living with Jews as their neighbors. Even in the West Bank where you have Jews and Palestinians living side by side, we have run into so many issues (and lost lives) because many Palestinians simply do not believe Jews belong there. So when people are against the two-state solution many are coming from that perspective which is that it clearly won’t work. One side simply refuses to be satisfied. A Palestinian state was offered many times. Land was given up (Gaza in 2005 look at what happened) and offers were rejected. So to say a two-state solution is the way to go sounds nice but it hasn’t ever worked in the past. And knowing what Palestinians say openly and proudly about not ever going to live with Jews, as well as the number of Jews killed because of that mentality... it’s sort of fair to see why people might think it’s anti-Semitic. Jews have done enough to appease and shouldn’t have to put their safety on the line any longer to make people who hate them satisfied which is what a two-state solution would take. Calling for a two-state solution is ignoring the facts and essentially saying that Israel should put its safety on the line and concede to further abuse."

Palestinian's "Catastrophe"

Palestinians mark the day of Israel's independence as “Nakba Day”, Day of the Catastrophe.
Here’s their “catastrophe”:
7 Arab armies declared war on the Jewish State in 1948 & invaded Israel in order to slaughter the Jews. They lost. The Palestinians want Israel to apologize for refusing to be massacred.
(I copied and pasted this with credit to Aksil Rf)
Someone claimed I diminished their suffering as a people for putting the word catastrophe in quotation marks. Here is why I will continue to use quotation marks:
"I’m not diminishing their suffering. Both sides have suffered, of course. If anything I feel sorry for the Palestinians who want peace and have to put up with a governing body that doesn’t care for them (except many Palestinians support them anyway). I’m saying (or what I have copied and pasted) people complain about how much Palestinians have suffered while ignoring the reasons and their part in causing it. They ignore everything that happened and only focus on their story. They don’t care about how Jews accepted what we were given and the Palestinians rejected. Or how the Arab countries told them to leave so they can kill all Jews and then they were all upset and still hold refugee status because they refuse to have it any other way. My parents were refugees as were most of my friends’. Why don’t I have refugee status? Because we move on instead of whining. Or how we offered land though we acquired the land legally. One can say they have suffered and that they also whine. Also, it’s one thing to suffer and another to then continue perpetuating your own suffering. They want peace? They should have accepted the first two-state solution which was the partition plan. I feel no remorse for those who turn to murdering Jews because they're unhappy with how things played out for them. Again this isn’t all Palestinians. I’m referring to those who turn to violence and self-pity. Everyone has choices and theirs is to murder and act like victims. The thousands of Jews kicked out of Arab countries could have chosen the same path but instead, they took what they were given and made the best of it. And still do. Both sides have suffered. Look how each has dealt with their suffering."

Double Standard

Not really sure why the Hadid siblings get refugee status while my siblings and I, as well as all of the other first-generation people I know whose parents were also refugees don’t get refugee status🙄 
Oh wait, I know. Because our people don’t play the victim card. 

And what about those thousands of Jewish refugees kicked out of Muslim lands when Israel was created? And really any refugee ever at any time??!! 
They, their children, and their grandchildren all fought for Israel’s survival when it has been repeatedly attacked even though it was given to them legally. 
Some people don’t know when to stop complaining, suck it up even if they don’t like it, and move on just like the rest of us have had to. No remorse.


Anti Zionism=Anti Semitism

When you're an idiot and think everyone else is an idiot too (or at least stupid enough to think this makes any sense whatsoever)
This clarifies everything, Terrorist Khamenei🖕🏻

He wants to eliminate the Jewish state, which coincidentally happens to have the highest concentration of Jews in the world. ‬
He does not want to eliminate Jews.‬

Credit: Yoni Michanie