- The 3,903 Palestinians killed in Syria in the past seven years are of no interest to the Western correspondents and their editors.
- The Western media's obsession with Israel has created the impression that the only Palestinians living on this planet are those who are residing in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. This impression does injustice to the Palestinians who are facing horrendous conditions, torture, and death in the Arab countries, especially Syria.
- Who cares about the suffering of these Palestinians? No one. Every week, scores of foreign journalists travel to the Israel-Gaza border to report on clashes between Israeli soldiers and Palestinian rioters. Have any of these journalists thought of travelling to Syria or Lebanon to report about the atrocities that are being committed against the Palestinians there? Of course not. Why should they do so when the story lacks an anti-Israel angle?
- The number of Palestinians killed in Syria will soon reach 4,000. Perhaps then, with that gruesome milestone reached, will Western correspondents in the Middle East wake up to the enormity of the crimes that are really being perpetrated against Palestinians?
Info taken from here. Gatestone Institute. By Bassam Tawil
Covering Israel, the Middle East, human rights, global terrorism, the terrorist mentality, information warfare, imperialism, and the infiltration of young minds on the college campus and beyond.
Monday, December 3, 2018
The Palestinians No One Talks About
Monday, November 26, 2018
Is a Two-State Solution Possible?
📣 Read for your own knowledge! I like to share questions I recieve from others and my responses, because these can be good learning opportunities for others. ⤵️ This info is all on the blog (pinned to the top of this page) if you ever want to refer back to it. I am also sharing this in honor of November 30th coming up next week, which is marked in Israel as an official commemoration of the expulsion of the Jews from the Arab countries and, later, from Iran. Let us remember how our people were expelled, and understand that now we are being forced to share what is less than 1% of the Middle East- the only Jewish state- for reasons that are not valid.
QUESTION: Do you believe in a two-state solution?
ANSWER: First off, this land that is now called Israel was initially split (a two-state solution) between Jews and Palestinians by the United Nations by the Partition Plan in 1947. The Arabs and Palestinians rejected it and launched a war of annihilation against the Jewish state… which is why we have this issue in the first place.
QUESTION: Do you believe in a two-state solution?
ANSWER: First off, this land that is now called Israel was initially split (a two-state solution) between Jews and Palestinians by the United Nations by the Partition Plan in 1947. The Arabs and Palestinians rejected it and launched a war of annihilation against the Jewish state… which is why we have this issue in the first place.
Theoretically it would be nice, but I don’t believe it will work because of history and the current attitude exhibited by the Palestinian leadership. Many Palestinians and their leaders do not want Jews in Israel (or anywhere, really). The Palestinian leadership and many Palestinians chant death to Israel, and to Jews in general. Israel made so many offers that were rejected and the ones that were accepted did not bring peace (ex: Gaza in 2005 was given up for peace and Israel was told there would be but look what’s happening now).
Even when Israel in 2000 offered to create a Palestinian state in all of Gaza and 97% of the West Bank- Yasser Arafat rejected the proposal without even making a counter offer. Arafat, according to chief U.S. negotiator Dennis Ross, was not willing to end the conflict with Israel. The Palestinians subsequently instigated a five-year war of terror that claimed more than 1,000 Israeli lives.
Either way, Israel legally acquired this land in the 1967 war which, by the way, it was attacked by Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Israel defended itself and won, and then the Arabs got angry. To learn more about the peace process, visit: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/myths-and-facts-peace
The Palestinians demand that all settlements be dismantled from the West Bank and Jerusalem. While they maintain that Arabs have the right to live in Israel, they deny the right of Jews to live in Judea and Samaria.
History shows the Palestinians are never happy with what they are given. That’s just the reality. If they truly want peace we would have had peace long ago. Palestinians have been offered a state of their own several times: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/images/mf2017.pdf#page=259
Israel cannot go back to its 1967 borders, as many claim it should and is morally required to do, and should not even have to because it is not safe for Israel. The Palestinians will continue to attack and target Israelis (as they are doing now from Gaza), and the span of land will be too narrow (Israel is already small as it is) so their rockets will be able to reach all of Israel. Also, this land was legally acquired during the war (which Israel did NOT start).
People believe Jews kicked out Palestinians, however many of them chose to leave on their own when the Arab countries told them to leave so they could bomb the Jews and get rid of them, which to their surprise they were not able to do because Israel won. This was the Israeli War of Independence, fought between the newly declared State of Israel and five Arab nations. So they can’t leave expecting for others to be killed and then when they aren’t killed complain that they don’t have land. That’s just not how anything works.
QUESTION: Why not let the Palestinians govern themselves, give a little bit more land on Gaza Strip and West Bank, allow easy travel to holy cities that are in Israel or make it so they can move to those places easily? Let The Arab nations take them.
ANSWER: Israel has instituted checkpoints for one reason – to prevent Palestinian terrorists from infiltrating Israel. Without checkpoints there were Palestinians entering Israel to carry out terrorist attacks. The Palestinian Authority (PA) made a strategic choice to use terror to achieve its aims and something had to be done to protect the Israeli population. If the Palestinian Authority was fulfilling its obligations to dismantle the terrorist networks and disarm the terrorists, and its security forces were taking adequate measures to prevent Palestinians from planning and launching attacks, the checkpoints would be unnecessary.
Israel tries to balance its security concerns with the welfare of the Palestinians, and is especially sensitive to the medical needs of Palestinians. Thus, many Palestinians are allowed to enter Israel to receive treatment from some of the finest medical facilities in the world. Many Palestinians also work alongside Israelis in hospitals and factories, etc.
We already gave all of Gaza in 2005. Palestinians now target Israelis with incendiary kites and balloons despite already having all of Gaza. West Bank was already offered and rejected.
Israel wants Arab nations to take the Palestinians, especially because they were the ones who told them to leave when Israel was declared a state and then left them as refugees when they lost to Israel. Jordan is high percentage Palestinians, yet they wont accept the "refugees.”
To learn more about the refugee issue, go here: https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/myths-and-facts-the-refugees
After transferring responsibility for virtually the entire Palestinian population in the West Bank and Gaza Strip to the Palestinian Authority, Israel no longer controlled any refugee camps and ceased contributing to UNRWA. Meanwhile, in addition to receiving annual funding from UNRWA for the refugees, the PA has received billions of dollars in international aid and yet has failed to build a single house to allow even one family to move out of a refugee camp into permanent housing. Given the amount of aid (approximately $5.5 billion since 1993) the PA has received, it is shocking and outrageous that more than half a million Palestinians are being forced by their own leaders to remain in squalid camps.
Remember the Expulsion of Jews From Arab Countries
Prominent historian Simon Schama on Friday called for commemorating the expulsion of over 800,000 Jews from Arab countries that followed the creation of the State of Israel in 1948.
“This is so important — 800,000 Jewish refugees — When exactly next week is the day of commemoration of THEIR naqba?” Schama asked, using the Arabic word for “catastrophe” commonly used to describe the experience of Arab refugees during Israel’s 1948 War of Independence.
Schama’s acclaimed recent book and TV series, “A History of the Jews,” includes a detailed account of the uprooting of Jewish communities from North Africa to Yemen, in which he contrasts the silence around this question with the attention given to the Palestinian issue.
November 30 — a week from today — is marked in Israel as an official commemoration of the expulsion of the Jews from the Arab countries and, later, from Iran. It falls, symbolically, one day after the anniversary of the UN resolution in favor of partitioning Palestine into Jewish and Arab states, which is officially commemorated by the UN as an “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People.”
Read the rest of the article here!
Sunday, November 25, 2018
Palestinian Child Abuse In Gaza By Hamas
Tuesday November 20th was Universal Children's Day, which promotes awareness of children worldwide. Palestinian children in Gaza are brought up on a belief system that promotes taking part in acts of violence. The world remains silent about the grave injustice committed against these children by Hamas.
Photos courtesy of CAMERA on Campus
Hezbollah In Lebanon and Implications for Israel
Hezbollah is currently stockpiling advanced missile systems and weapons to target Israel. With an estimated 150,000 rockets, it has more than 10 times as many as it had in its last war against Israel in the summer of 2006. Furthermore, many of Hezbollah’s new rockets have extended range and advanced guidance capabilities—meaning that they can hit major Israeli cities.
Hezbollah, the Lebanese-based, Iranian-backed terror group, is set to control Lebanon’s Ministry of Public Health. Although Lebanon is ostensibly a U.S. ally—and a major recipient of U.S. aid—the fact that a terrorist group is about to control a major governmental post has received little to no coverage from the Western press.
By controlling the Ministry of Public Health, Hezbollah will be well positioned to carry out the group’s propaganda aims. In the event of a future conflict with Israel, the media would do well to treat Ministry of Public Health claims with skepticism.
Read the rest here: CAMERA article.
Friday, November 23, 2018
What is UNRWA- the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees?
Important read!!!
Originally envisioned as a temporary agency, UNRWA was created in 1949, following the unsuccessful attempt by several Arab states to destroy Israel. Over time, UNRWA developed into the only U.N. organization whose stated mission is to assist a specific group of refugees, Palestinian Arabs. All other refugee populations in the world fall under the jurisdiction of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Importantly, UNRWA’s definition of “refugee” is not dependent on need and even applies to citizens of recognized states, such as Jordan.
Oddly, UNRWA considers individuals living in areas ruled by Palestinians—as well as descendants of those who fled during and before Israel’s 1948 War of Independence—to be Palestinian “refugees.” As CAMERA has noted, according to UNRWA’s spurious definition, the twenty-year-old, Los Angeles-born millionaire fashion model, Bella Hadid, is considered a “refugee” from a seventy-year old event that occurred after Arab countries rejected a U.N. plan for a Jewish state and an Arab state, opting for war instead. Further, UNRWA has become the only refugee agency in the world whose purpose is not to resettle refugees (“UNRWA Has Changed the Definition of Refugee,” Foreign Policy Magazine, Aug. 17, 2018).
Instead of helping resettle refugees, UNRWA schools and facilities have been used to promote hatred and murder of Israelis. For example, a March 7, 2016 ceremony at an UNRWA school in Gaza City celebrated stabbing Jews. UNRWA officials have posed with maps erasing Israel and have been caught disseminating antisemitic materials.
Indeed, according to a 2014 report by The Center for Near East Policy Research, terrorist organizations Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad “control the UNRWA stations in Gaza” and in 2012 “UNRWA in Gaza elected Hamas to all 11 seats in the UNRWA’s teacher union and to 14 out of 16 sets in the employees and service sector union.” Hamas is a U.S.-designated terror group that rules the Gaza Strip and calls for Israel’s destruction.
Read the rest of the article here: https://www.camera.org/article/the-washington-posts-unredeemable-reporting-on-unrwa/
Tuesday, November 20, 2018
Israel is much nicer to its Arab citizens than the Arab countries ever were to their Jewish citizens
Israel is much nicer to its Arab citizens than the Arab countries ever were to their Jewish citizens (more info on this statement below- check it out). The next time you hear somebody complaining, you will know what to say.
Two of my personal favorites:
#2: An Arab judge, George Karra, sentenced an ex-Israeli president Moshe Katsav to prison for seven years.
#7: Israeli Arabs have their own political parties in the Knesset -- some of whom are Israel's harshest critics.
The great mass of Jews left under duress. They were expelled. They were subjected to such enormous pressure that they had no choice but to leave.
The number of Jews living in Arab countries and Iran totaled more than 850,000 at the time of Israel’s independence. Some scholars even think the number is closer to one million. In the North African region, 259,000 Jews fled from Morocco, 140,000 from Algeria, 100,000 from Tunisia, 75,000 from Egypt, and another 38,000 from Libya. In the Middle East, 135,000 Jews were exiled from Iraq, 55,000 from Yemen, 34,000 from Turkey, 20,000 from Lebanon and 18,000 from Syria. Iran forced out 25,000 Jews.
For more info regarding Jews living in Arab countries, visit: http://mfa.gov.il/MFA/ForeignPolicy/Issues/Pages/Jewish-refugees-expelled-from-Arab-lands-and-from-Iran-29-November-2016.aspx
Monday, November 19, 2018
What Is Happening On the Gaza Border Nov 2018
📣I like to share questions I recieve from others and my responses, because these can be good learning opportunities for others. ⤵️
QUESTION: Didn't this recent barrage start after a failed covert op? Resulting in 7 dead Palestinians? Or was there an act that directly caused the covert op?
ANSWER: The covert operation left 7 Hamas TERRORISTS dead. Not random civilians. These are the same terrorists who have been targeting Israel for months now. This mission did not go as planned (nobody was supposed to be killed), but it was for a reason- in response to terrorism.
Israeli military sources indicated that the raid was not an attempted assassination against Hamas figures but a more routine intelligence gathering operation that had been completed when the troops were spotted and confronted, prompting exchanges of gunfire.
Israeli military sources indicated that the raid was not an attempted assassination against Hamas figures but a more routine intelligence gathering operation that had been completed when the troops were spotted and confronted, prompting exchanges of gunfire.
There have been incendiary kites and balloons flying into southern Israel for months. There have been many issues that many people don’t hear about. It's been hell for those Israelis civilians and so Israel was responding to that. There was even a terrorist who recently infiltrated from Gaza and set a greenhouse on fire. Israel has also been dealing with agricultural terrorism from these kites and balloons. There are fires along the border that people are living with every day. Besides the point is that any other country would never have allowed incendiary balloons and kites the way Israel did. Honestly surprised this didn’t happen sooner. Israel is doing what it needs to do (and perhaps not even enough) to protect its civilians.
To learn more about what is occurring on the Gaza border, visit this page >>> Life on the border with Gaza - things people may not know (but should) >>> https://www.facebook.com/groups/LifeontheBorder/?fref=nf
UN to condemn Israel 9 times, rest of the world 0
✴️ Everyone needs to know this: Israel captured The Golan, the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza in the 1967 Six Day War. It has annexed East Jerusalem and the Golan and, in 2005, withdrew from the Gaza Strip, which is now ruled by the Palestinian terror group Hamas. The Palestinian Authority rules parts of the West Bank, but overall control remains under the Israeli militarily.
Friday’s resolutions saw Israel condemned for alleged human rights abuses, its “occupation” of eastern Jerusalem, and its “occupation” of the Golan Heights captured from Syria during the 1967 Six-Day War. The ongoing civil war in Syria itself, and the continuing abuse of human rights in the devastated Arab country, made no appearance in Friday’s deliberations.
Article here!
“Days after the Hamas terrorist group assaulted Israeli civilians with a barage of 460 rockets — while the UN’s General Assembly and Human Rights Council stayed silent — the world body now adds insult to injury by adopting nine lopsided condemnations, whose only purpose is to demonize the Jewish state.”
Agreeing to This Cease-Fire Is Unfair (Nov 2018)
Some perspective.
The cease fire between Hamas in Gaza and Israel has many extremely frustrated (including myself if I can add)😡. Hamas is proud of the discord in the Israeli government right now and view the cease fire as a weakness. Why should we agree to this cease fire when Hamas is still holding the bodies of Israel’s captured soldiers and when the Palestinian people parade the streets on news of the murder of Israeli civilians? Why should we continue giving these hateful people aid? They would never do the same for us, as they have made very clear. Yes, Israel is moral and should not stoop down to their level. However what kind of message does this send to our soldiers, those who have died for Israel, to Israelis in the south and in general, and to the world?
Video Below: Hamas is calling the resignation of Israel's defense minister an admission of defeat and a sign of failure to face the Palestinian resistance. But that's not how it's being seen by the parents of fallen IDF officer Hadar Goldin, who is being held by Hamas since his capture in 2014. International humanitarian lawyer of the Goldin family Michal Cotler-Wunch and our Daniel Tsemach give their perspectives.
The cease fire between Hamas in Gaza and Israel has many extremely frustrated (including myself if I can add)😡. Hamas is proud of the discord in the Israeli government right now and view the cease fire as a weakness. Why should we agree to this cease fire when Hamas is still holding the bodies of Israel’s captured soldiers and when the Palestinian people parade the streets on news of the murder of Israeli civilians? Why should we continue giving these hateful people aid? They would never do the same for us, as they have made very clear. Yes, Israel is moral and should not stoop down to their level. However what kind of message does this send to our soldiers, those who have died for Israel, to Israelis in the south and in general, and to the world?
Video Below: Hamas is calling the resignation of Israel's defense minister an admission of defeat and a sign of failure to face the Palestinian resistance. But that's not how it's being seen by the parents of fallen IDF officer Hadar Goldin, who is being held by Hamas since his capture in 2014. International humanitarian lawyer of the Goldin family Michal Cotler-Wunch and our Daniel Tsemach give their perspectives.
Hamas Attacks Israel With 460 Rockets November 12, 2018
"Don't be afraid"
Israeli children in the south take cover in the bomb shelter from heavy rocket fire from Gaza terrorists, and comfort eachother. 
Is it not child abuse to be targeting Israeli children living in southern Israel? Where are the world leaders at this time? Where are the peace activists?
Nowhere to be found.
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