Friday, December 4, 2015

Israel Draws up Document Justifying Legal Claims to Judea and Samaria

Read here

1. "Israel's adversaries, and even some friends, assert that settlements are an obstacle to peace. The evidence points to the opposite conclusion. From 1949-67, when Jews were forbidden to live on the West Bank, the Arabs refused to make peace with Israel. From 1967-77, the Labor Party established only a few strategic settlements in the territories, yet the Arabs showed no interest in making peace with Israel. In 1977, months after a Likud government committed to greater settlement activity took power, Egyptian President Anwar Sadat went to Jerusalem. One year later, Israel froze settlements, hoping the gesture would entice other Arabs to join the Camp David peace process. But none would. In another Camp David summit in 2000, Ehud Barak offered to dismantle most settlements and create a Palestinian state in exchange for peace, and Yasser Arafat rejected the plan."

2. "According to Eugene Rostow, a former Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs in the Johnson Administration, Resolution 242 gives Israel a legal right to be in the West Bank. The resolution “allows Israel to administer the territories” it won in 1967 “until 'a just and lasting peace in the Middle East' is achieved,” Rostow wrote in The New Republic (10/21/91)."

3. "The area in dispute is also very small. According to one organization critical of settlements, the built-up areas constitute only 1.7% of the West Bank. That is less than 40 square miles. Even if you add the unbuilt areas falling with the municipal boundaries of the settlements, the total area is only 152 square miles."

All info taken from Jewish Virtual Library. Click here to read more. 

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Ezra Schwartz and a Message From God?

Disclaimer: This is not the usual type of blog post. This is not political. This is not religious. 

This is a piece I wrote for myself. I decided to share it because it may be of value to others, as well as myself. 

Here it goes: 

Less than 2 weeks ago, on Thursday November 19th, a terror attack, during which 3 people were murdered, hit closer to home than ever before. Ezra Schwartz, an American 18-year old who was spending a gap year in Israel, was one of the victims of this attack. It was when he was sitting in traffic on his way back from visiting the gravesites of previous terrorist victims and handing out food to Israeli soldiers, that Ezra was shot by a Palestinian terrorist.

Although I did not know Ezra personally, I was supposed to. He planned to attend my university next year. He was planing to live in my dorm on campus. He might have been part of my friend group. His friends and family described him as being a very kind, and somewhat quirky, person. He would have fit in so well with my group, being quirky and all. He was only a year younger than me, much like many of my friends. It is for this reason that his murder has left me in a haze for the rest of last week and this week- to think that he would be a part of our community here at my university, to know that at some point in time we were to cross paths. When I think of him, it is almost as if I am thinking of all the other kids I went to Jewish day school with. He was just that person that we all know in the form of another person. He was just like all the rest of us.

The reason I am writing this is because of something interesting that happened last night. I decided to say an extra chapter of Psalms (Perek of Tehillim) in Ezra’s memory before going to sleep. I turned to the glossary of Psalms that are recited on special occasions, and I felt that the topic “for peace” fitted this situation best. I turned to chapter 46 (פרק מו) and began to read it silently.

Now, I can honestly say that I’m not one of those people who make a big deal out of seemingly minor coincidences- or at least I try not to be. I try to be realistic about things, but when small coincidences occur, I recognize them and feel that there is a greater meaning.

 The coincidence that I am referring to is the mentioning of Ezra’s name, in 2 different forms, in this very chapter. One is written in the present tense, and the other in a future tense. It says, “עזרה בצרות”- “a help in times of need.” This is exactly what Ezra was. He wanted to help, to pitch in. That was why he was in Israel in the first place. One of my best friends, Marissa, met Ezra at a Camp Yavneh orientation this past summer. She asked him if he was afraid of going to Israel, referring to the terrorist attacks. He replied to her question saying that if we thought like that, they would win. She told him to be safe. He was going to Israel understanding the danger, but also understanding that he could be “a help” by going there, because it was a sign of doing what was right even in the face of hatred.

I was so excited about this, I could hardly contain myself while finishing the rest of the chapter. Then I came across the second mentioning of his name. “יעזרה”- “will help.” I don’t know exactly how to connect this. Ezra was “a help” and “will help?” The only way I can understand this linkage is that Ezra’s ultimate position was meant to help the Jewish people in some shape or form. His story has touched so many. The kindness he lived by, the goodness he brought into the world has reached so many people now. He has served as a message to Jews all over the world to not run away, to continue taking a gap year in Israel, and to continue doing the right thing. He has united thousands of Jewish people from all over the world. Every Jewish person I know has felt something by his loss. Losing such a good person has reminded all of us what exactly this world needs and how we can and should contribute.

This all is not to say that my interpretation is accurate. Some will look at it as just a coincidence. However, I read several chapters of Tehillim every day, and I just felt that the fact that I happened to choose that one to read in honor of Ezra, and it contains Ezra’s name twice- is more meaningful than just a coincidence.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Speaking Out Against Iran Nuclear Deal

Allen West - Time Square Speech About Iran Deal - A Must View - True American

"Reza Farahan, star of Shahs of Sunset, speaks against the Iran Deal with his usual charm at the Stop Iran Rally in Los Angeles. Thank you Reza!" - StandWithUs
Watch HERE!

7 Dangers Facing Israel

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Yom Hazikaron-Remembering Our Fallen Soldiers

Yom Hazikaron- the day of remembrance for Israel's fallen soldiers.
As a young American college student who is thinking about her personal goals and aspirations- I am so used to the idea of thinking of myself, for myself. However, the men and women that we honor today- many of them too young to die- put their lives and plans on hold because they had no other choice. 
Honor. Respect. Gratitude. 
Thank you for your service. It is because of you that “Am Yisroel Chai” can still be chanted. 
And thank you to Israel’s current soldiers. Words cannot express the respect I have for you.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

What's Going On???

This past week:
  • (A few weeks ago) Obama removed Iran and Hezbollah off the United States' terror list. 
  • Obama is negotiating with Iran, while its leader, Khamenei, vows to fly the flag of jihad over the white house. 
  • Obama congratulated the Israeli people on having a democratic election, but seems to have forgotten to congratulate Netanyahu on his win. Congratulating an ally is standard practice in politics, but it seems that Obama want to waste his time. 
  • Obama has spent US tax dollars through the State Department on V15, an organization that brings Israeli Arab voters to polls so as to overthrow the current right-wing government. 
  • The US is pushing for a UN resolution on a two-state solution 
All of these facts are unbiased. They are simply facts. 
1. A few facts about Iran that everybody should know about:
It has been accused of funding, providing weapons and equipment of, and training terrorists by the international community.
It has trained and armed terrorist groups such as Gama'a al-Islamiyah, the Egyptian Al-Jihad, and the Algerian G.I.A.
Iran has strong ties to Al-Qaeda, the terrorist organization that was responsible for the 9-11 attacks.
Iran's government had been extremely unreliable in the past. Iran's former President Hassan Rouhani boasted about Iran using sanctions as cover to advance it nuclear program, stating that "While we were talking to the Europeans in Tehran, we were installing [nuclear] equipment in... the facility in Isfahan... In fact, by creating a calm environment, we were able to complete the [nuclear ] work in Isfahan."
Current president, extremist Ali Khamenei, is responsible for Iran's human rights violations, sponsorship of global terrorism, and violations of the UN's nuclear non-proliferation treaty. 
2. Hezbollah’s origins and ideology stem from the Iran. Hezbollah believes that the US is to blame for many of Lebanon's problems. Israel is seen as an extension of the US and a foreign power in Lebanon. Hezbollah has funded the Palestinian Authority, and collaborated with other terrorist organizations, such as Hamas, to conduct attacks against Israel. It even improved its recruitment so as to more efficiently infiltrate Israel’s international borders. It also continued to smuggle arms and advanced weapons into Lebanon from Syria and Iran and the PA.
While many believe that the US is tied up in a mess with the Middle East because of its supporting Israel, this is simply not the complete picture. These are radical Islamist militant groups we are talking about. They despise western culture and anything that does not conform to their ideology. So wether the US does or doesn't support Israel, these barbarians are aimed towards getting rid of all western culture. 
3. Why would the leader of the US, the man who has the strongest voice on earth, even consider negotiations with a leader who has been untrustworthy in the past, and the cause of terrorism and human rights violations? Not only that. If Iran gets nuclear power, all of the other countries in the Middle East will want the same + more because none of them trust Iran. Conclusion: an already unstable region fighting with nuclear weapons. This won't be good for anybody- not just Israel. 
4. Obama may be frustrated with having to deal with Netanyahu and Israel, but Netanyahu is doing what he believes is right for his country. Israel is a tiny state- smaller than NJ. The Jewish people have been threatened to be annihilated many times throughout history. Netanyahu worries for his country and, if anything, is a strong leader for speaking out despite the international community's constant judgments of him. What is his other alternative. Negotiate? Come to terms? Hasn't Israel done that already? Many times over. And it is still struggling because people simply do not want it to exist. And as the leader of the only democratic country in the Middle East, the US should show more support for it, rather than foolishly negotiating with Iran. All the signs are written on the walls, but they are being ignored. 
5. Obama did not meet with Netanyahu before the Israeli elections because Obama did not want to effect another country's elections. However, he payed an organization to try and get Netanyahu out of office. No further comments needed. 
6. Obama wants a two-state solution? Great. Israel has tried to discuss negotiations many times before. Israel has given up land in the past. However, according to Obama and his administration, Israel isn't doing enough. Meanwhile, the PA and Hamas use money given to the Palestinians by the international community, to build terror tunnels and cause destruction in Israel. If anybody needs to be told how to negotiate deals, it's definitely not Israel. Israel is no longer a tiny, dependent country. It is one of the most advanced economically in the world. It is also one of the top investors in the American Economy. Israel and its leaders need to stop being treated like fools. Especially for the sake of the US- its leaders and its people are being taken as fools by the leaders of the militant groups that the Obama Administration seems to be trying to appease. 
In conclusion, things don't seem to be adding up properly.
Some people seem to be confused about why Israel is being treated differently lately, and why on earth Obama and Kerry would want to give nuclear power to Iran. I really try to see both sides- honestly, to the best of my ability. However, it doesn't really make sense to me either.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Why Anybody and Everybody Should Support Israel

By "anybody and everybody," I am referring to those who value freedom and basic human rights.

I am going to make this post short because this is all self-explanatory. These are all facts and I feel that the facts themselves should make anybody understand why supporting Israel is the right thing to do.

Whether you are or aren't Jewish, whether you do or don't feel a connection to the land of Israel, and whether you do or don't feel affected by what is goes on in the Middle East- that does not matter. There is still one major reason why you should care about and support Israel.

You see, Israel is the only democratic state in the Middle East. It is America's most trustworthy ally.

As the talented Brigitte Gabriel, founder of Act for America, a non-profit organization that educates citizens and elected officials about national security and terrorism, says quite often, "we need to take political correctness and throw it in the garbage where it belongs."

So what does Israel's ideals and its relationship with America have to do with you?

Let's be real.

We all know that 9/11 was a terrorist attack organized by Al Qaeda, a militant Islamist terrorist organization. (There have been other threats against America by other terrorist organizations from the Middle East- one other example is 1993 when an attack against the Lincoln and Holland Tunnels was thwarted. This attack was planned by Omar Abdel-Rahman, a leader of a radical Egyptian Islamic Group al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya, that has links to al-Qaeda. For the sake of keeping this short, I won't go into further detail).

It was no accident. This was an attack on Western culture- democracy.
Al Qaeda (and al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya) have strong ties to Iran, a country that is known for funding, providing weapons and equipment for, and training terrorists.

ISIS, the Islamic States of Syria and Iraq, is responsible for murdering thousands of Christians over the past couple of months.

Israel is surrounded by all of these threats and suffers from these terrorist attacks on a regular basis (monthly, sometimes daily).

Where does this place you?
Behind Israel.
Because once (hopefully it will never get to this point) these terrorist organizations are through with Israel, they're ready to attack (and already have) and get rid of anybody else who supports Western ideals rather than their own ideology.

Why should you support Israel?
Israel is the little saint and America is the big saint.
Israel is on the front lines right now, fighting for our rights as well as its own.

Stand with freedom.
Stand with democracy.
Stand with basic human rights.
Stand with Israel.

Because at the end of the day, we're all in the same boat.
Our boat just isn't as close as Israel's boat is.
Want to keep it this way?
Do something. Say something.

I stand with Israel. I know why I do.
Do you?

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Abbas and Obama

Abbas, who supports terror, attended Paris' march against terror. 
This is at least better than Obama who didn't show up at all-rather, he sent the seventh in command to represent the US.