Mazen outlines the terms for the continuation of negotiations
a conversation with Israeli reporters in Ramallah the Chairman of the
Palestinian Authority set three terms for the extension of negotiations: a
freeze on building in settlements, the release of prisoners, and a discussion
of the issue of borders. Officials in Jerusalem estimated that Israel cannot
agree to the release of Arab Israeli prisoners and will not freeze building in
East Jerusalem
Zehavit Zaslansky
First of all, Israel already gave up land to the Arabs to appease them
and bring peace. Now Israelis are being forced to not thrive on their own land,
the land that they didn’t give away.
Second, why should Israel release murderers for peace? If the Arabs
want peace, then it is wrong to ask for the release of murderers and then
celebrate the murderers’ freedom. Remember: these people are applauded for killing Israelis. Applauded. Israeli sliders are never applauded for killing Palestinians. They fight because they must.
Third, borders are used for the safety of the Israelis. To find out why, visit this blog's page: http://israelclub247.blogspot.com/2013/05/whats-with-fence.html