Thursday, October 23, 2014

Demand Washington get tough on Hamas.

An email I received from the Israel project:

Click here to sign the petition: 

Today we mourn for Chaya.
Yesterday Chaya Zissel Braun was killed in her stroller in Jerusalem.
A Hamas terrorist plowed his car into a train stop and cut Chaya’s life short.
Chaya was just three months old. Chaya was an American citizen.
Chaya’s not the only American Hamas has murdered. Since the end of spring, Hamas terrorists have killed four American citizens.
And still, Washington continues to support the Palestinian Fatah-Hamas unity government — even after American citizens are murdered in the streets by Hamas terrorists.
Either Hamas turns over those who ordered, abetted, knew of, or participated in the murders of American citizens — or Washington must stop support of the Fatah-Hamas unity government.
We can't let this killing go unanswered — please, add your name and ensure Washington hears our message.
Thank you for taking a stand.
The Israel Project

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

IS (ISIS), America, and Israel

This is an email I received from Act for America, an organization "whose mission is to give Americans concerned about national security and terrorism a powerful, organized, informed and mobilized voice."

This is important because IS (Islamic State), which was formerly known as ISIS (Islamic States of Iraq and Syria), has declared war on Western civilization. IS has already shown interest in working with Hamas to get rid of Israel, because Israel is a democracy and reflects off of American values.

Standing with Israel, therefore, is standing with America.

This quickly answers important questions about ISIS:

A portion of the email is posted below:

The self-declared “Islamic State,” formerly known as ISIS/ISIL, is a direct threat to America—and a greater threat than many in America realize.

Some in the U.S., including some of our policymakers, maintain that the Islamic State is simply a warring faction in an internal, sectarian conflict exclusive to Iraq.
They are sadly mistaken.

The Islamic State is now known to be operating in Iraq, Syria and Lebanon and there are credible reports that it is also at work in Libya. Even Abu Sayyaf, the Filipino Jihadist terrorist organization, with its base of operations some 5,000 miles away from Mosul, Iraq, has pledged allegiance to the Islamic State.

Moreover, the Islamic State reportedly has recruits from the U.S., Great Britain, Western Europe and just about every Islamic nation around the globe—some 20,000 fighters by some estimates.

There have been public demonstrations in support of the Islamic State in The Netherlands, Austria and Indonesia.
But, most ominously, the Islamic State’s leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, has promised to “see us in New York.”

America must not ignore this grave threat or allow it to metastasize overseas, because there can be no doubt that a Jihadist organization like the Islamic State that is already committing genocide and other atrocities, will follow through on its threats.

It may seem ridiculous when the Islamic State claims to be bent on raising “the flag of Allah in the White House,” but, rest assured, they are dead serious about trying, and as they have said:

We are here America near our target sooooon. We are everywhere.

A complacent America ignored the warning signs leading up to 9/11—the threats from Bin Laden and his allies, the terrorist attacks on American targets overseas—and the result was September 11th.

We must never be complacent again.

We must be forever vigilant.

Friday, July 11, 2014

For Anyone Who Wants A Quick Review of the Middle-East Conflict

Thank you for your interest in learning more about the conflict.
To start, I will explain the general conflict and then how it has led to the current situation that is occurring in Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza.

Please watch this 5 minute video, which explains the history of the conflict. The entire video answers many important questions, so make sure to watch all of it! It is important for you to watch this before you move on to the other information that I have posted.

You have probably heard (and if you have not already, you probably will) that the Palestinians are suffering because of the Jews and that the Jews are occupying their territory.

Before I begin, it is important for you to know that:

1.     Israel is the only Democracy in the Middle East, and gives Palestinians and Arabs more freedom than their own countries give them.

2.     The Palestinians are working with Hamas, ONE OF THE WORLD'S LARGEST TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS. Many Palestinians do want peace and are harmed by Hamas’ presence, however the Palestinian Authority does not care for its people. Unfortunately, they use people as shields and lie to the media about Israel targeting civilians during war when in fact, Israel takes the greatest measures, more than any other army, in order to decrease the number of civilian casualties. Hamas calls for Palestinians to stand on rooftops and in war zones to make it seem that Israel is targeting civilians. Hamas terrorists hide under hospitals because they know that Israel will refrain from blowing up a hospital.

3.     People say that Israel won't set clear boundaries. Well, get the Arabs to come to the table so that a solution can be discussed. Too bad the Arab League decided, "No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel."

4.     Not only has Israel attempted to make peace with Palestinians by giving up land (Gaza is an example), it also helps Palestinians and Arabs, by caring for them in Israeli hospitals and giving them equal rights, who (still) call for Israel's destruction.

5.     Many people believe that Israel stole the land they call theirs, but Israel payed for it, developed it (it was desert), and has historical and political ties to the land.

I am posting links for you.
I know that this is a lot of information. I have watered it down as much as I could.
Please let me know if you have questions.

Here is the truth.

1.     There was never a “Palestine”

2.     The West Bank settlements are NOT the real obstacle to peace
(Taken from StandWithUs):
If settlements were the obstacle, we would have had peace long ago. The real obstacle is Palestinian refusal to accept a Jewish state within any borders, as reflected in Palestinian leaders’ statements and in Palestinian media. Indeed, there were no settlements when Palestinian violence against Jews began in 1920 or when violence escalated into wars and terrorism between 1948 and 1967. When Israel evacuated all settlements in Gaza
in 2005, terrorism and hostility escalated. When Israel offered to dismantle West Bank settlements for peace
in 2000 and 2008, Palestinian leaders said no. The controversy about settlements is a symptom, not a
cause, of the conflict, which is rooted in Palestinian rejectionism. When Palestinians return to the negotiating table in good faith, settlements, which comprise less than 2 percent of West Bank land, and other outstanding issues can be resolved.

3.     The establishment of Israel has NOT done an injustice to the Palestinians
(Taken from StandWithUs):
The only grave injustice was the one Palestinian leaders inflicted on Israel and their own people. Instead of accepting the territorial compromise the UN recommended in 1947, Palestinian and Arab leaders launched a genocidal war to seize the whole territory. They refused to recognize that Jews had any rights to the land, refused any compromises that would allow both peoples to fulfill their national aspirations,
and refused to accept the existence of a Jewish state, no matter how small. Far from being an injustice, the UN Partition Plan of 1947 offered historical justice
to the Jewish people and justice to Palestinian Arabs, who were offered the opportunity to create the first Palestinian Arab state in history. The Palestinians’ ongoing rejectionism and violence were, and continue to be, an injustice to Israelis and Palestinians alike.

4.     Israel wants peace and has given the Palestinians MANY opportunities
Over the past 80 years, Israel has repeatedly shown its willingness to make territorial compromises and accept a two-state solution—in 1937, 1947, 1979, 2000, and 2008—but Palestinian and other Arab leaders have repeatedly said no. They have rejected any Jewish state, no matter how small its territory, and tried to destroy it through wars and terrorism. Palestinian Arabs must begin to say yes to peace and agree to compromises that will fulfill the national aspirations of both peoples.


Last week, three Israeli teenagers- EyalGiladNaftali-were kidnapped and killed by Hamas terrorists. These boys were not soldiers and were not posing a threat to anybody. They were simply making their way home. Israel is now carrying out its Operation protective Edge in Gaza- where it must fight Hamas, who is targeting Israeli civilians day in and day out with rockets, and is putting Palestinian lives in danger.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Share the Truth If You Stand With the Truth

The thing is that some people would look at this and say that one must have a cruel heart to share this when the Israelis are "terrorists."

However, that is false.

1. Not only has Israel attempted to make peace with Palestinians by giving up land (Gaza is an example), it also helps Palestinians and Arabs, by caring for them in Israeli hospitals and giving them equal rights, who (still) call for Israel's destruction. Many people believe that Israel stole the land they call theirs, but Israel payed for it, developed it (it was desert), and has historical and political ties to the land.

2. It is the Palestinians, the radical Arabs, and Hamas that are not allowing peace to be exercised. The Palestinians are working with ONE OF THE WORLD'S LARGEST TERRORIST ORGANIZATIONS. This is who Israel has to make peace with, and so much of the world is still blaming Israel for there not being peace. People say that Israel won't set clear boundaries. Well, get the Arabs to come to the table so that a solution can be discussed. Too bad the Arab League decided, "No peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with Israel."

3. A lot of people are ignorant and believe what they see and hear on CNN and the like. Hamas calls for Palestinians to stand on rooftops and in war zones to make it seem that Israel is targeting civilians. Hamas terrorists hide under hospitals because they know that Israel will refrain from blowing up a hospital.

People believe that the Palestinians are suffering at the hands of Israelis, but the truth is that Palestinians are suffering at the hands of Hamas and their own leaders, who keep them ignorant and feed them lies about Israel. This is why the Palestinians are so filled with hate- because they grow up with it.

Israel wants Peace. Anyone who works with Hamas wants war.

"If Palestine were to lay down their guns tomorrow, there would be no war. If Israel were to lay down theirs, there would be no Israel" - Benjamin Netanyahu

So yes, this is the truth.

Share the truth if you stand with the truth.

Updates on Operation Protective Edge and the War With Hamas

Understand this: Hamas is a terrorist organization that does not want peace. The reason that there is no peace between Israel and Hamas is because Hamas WANTS this war. They want to fully obliterate the Jewish region form the Middle East. This is not about land, but Anti- Semitism and the hatred that the Radicals feel towards Jews. 

  • Fake Images on Social Media Blame Israel for Violence 
  • Top Ten Questions and Answers About the Current War in israel

  • Top Obama official blasts Israel for denying Palestinians sovereignty, security, dignity
“How will Israel remain democratic and Jewish if it attempts to govern the millions of Palestinian Arabs who live in the West Bank? How will it have peace if it’s unwilling to delineate a border, end the occupation and allow for Palestinian sovereignty, security and dignity? How will we prevent other states from supporting Palestinian efforts in international bodies, if Israel is not seen as committed to peace?”


Response to Gordon’s questions (Taken from StandWithUs):
Israel’s presence in the West Bank is not illegal. It is the result of Arab and Palestinian aggression. Israel did not seek to expand into the West Bank. The area fell to Israel during Israel’s defensive war in 1967. Under customary law and the Hague Conventions, Israel was obligated to administer the area until peace was achieved. UN Resolution 242 (1967) assumed Israel would administer the territories until Arab countries were willing to negotiate new, more secure borders.
The Palestinian Authority has delayed continuing negotiations to determine future borders. In the meantime, Israel continues to face terrorist threats from the area, necessitating its presence. When Palestinian leaders finally say yes to peace, new, secure borders can be established.
Israel has not stalled the peace process; the facts are otherwise. Over the past 80 years, Israel has repeatedly shown its willingness to make territorial compromises and accept a two-state solution—in 1937, 1947, 1979, 2000, and 2008—but Palestinian and other Arab leaders have repeatedly said no. They have rejected any Jewish state, no matter how small its territory, and tried to destroy it through wars and terrorism. Palestinian Arabs must begin to say yes to peace and agree to compromises that will fulfill the national aspirations of both peoples.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

Monday, May 5, 2014

The Middle East Problem Explained by Prager

From: PragerUniversity
Taken from their Youtube page: 

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

News to Remember and LET'S BE LOGICAL

Abu Mazen outlines the terms for the continuation of negotiations
In a conversation with Israeli reporters in Ramallah the Chairman of the Palestinian Authority set three terms for the extension of negotiations: a freeze on building in settlements, the release of prisoners, and a discussion of the issue of borders. Officials in Jerusalem estimated that Israel cannot agree to the release of Arab Israeli prisoners and will not freeze building in East Jerusalem
By: Zehavit Zaslansky


First of all, Israel already gave up land to the Arabs to appease them and bring peace. Now Israelis are being forced to not thrive on their own land, the land that they didn’t give away.

Second, why should Israel release murderers for peace? If the Arabs want peace, then it is wrong to ask for the release of murderers and then celebrate the murderers’ freedom. Remember: these people are applauded for killing Israelis. Applauded. Israeli sliders are never applauded for killing Palestinians. They fight because they must.

Third, borders are used for the safety of the Israelis. To find out why, visit this blog's page: 

Saturday, March 29, 2014

How to Speak Up for Israel (video)

How-to: Speak up for Israel 101
From the Youtube page of: Jerusalem U

"Every individual can be an advocate for Israel. Learn how to speak on Israel's behalf and counter claims made against Israel with three practical and effective tools of communication."

News to Remember

Gigantic Terror Tunnel Revealed by the IDF
Author: Dana Nasi

Last weekend, the IDF revealed a major terror tunnel dug by Hamas between the Gaza Strip and an area near Kibbutz Ein Shlosha. Now, the pictures of the terror tunnel have been published, which reveal that it was one of the largest and most sophisticated terror tunnels dug in order to abduct Israelis.

A week after being revealed, a glance into the terror tunnel in Gaza was provided today.  IDF forces exposed an advanced terror tunnel near Kibbutz Ein Shlosha, which is close to the Gazan border. 

The exposed terror tunnel was dozens of meters longs.  It was covered in concrete on all sides.  Throughout the tunnel, electric cables and light sockets were detected.  At the end of the tunnel, an area appeared where terrorists planned to go and implement terrorist attacks or to kidnap Israelis.

A senior level Israeli military official stated over the weekend that the terror tunnel, which was at a depth of about 20 meters, was found to be well-equipped with tools and generators, indicating that it was used very recently.  “Hamas is very much under pressure,” the senior level Israeli military official stated, adding that the revealed terror tunnel was perhaps the largest ever discovered in the area.

It is estimated that this terror tunnel was dug over a period of many months.  “In the tunnel, equipment was found to deal with difficult winter conditions,” the senior level Israeli military official stressed.  “There was equipment there that indicated that if the work had been finished, these tools would not have been found in the tunnel.  We don’t have a doubt that we disturbed them half-way through the job.”

According to the IDF, the discovery of the terror tunnel is a fatal blow to Hamas.  “Tunnels represent the ethos of Hamas and they are the source of much of their operational successes,” the senior level Israeli military official explained.  “The moment that you take three of their tunnels, for a number of months, they will be hit hard.”    

Saturday, March 15, 2014

Video For Pro-Israel Students

Pro-Israel Students Need to Watch This
From the youtube page of: standwithus

"Do you have an active anti-Israel group at your campus? If you do, a malicious new campaign called Divestment may be coming your way next. Learn the basics about Divestment and BDS here and contact StandWithUs for help at For more information visit"

News to Remember

Government Ministers Say Israel Must Retake Gaza Strip

Author: Atara Beck, Staff Writer, UWI

At least two Israeli government ministers are saying that there is no alternative but to retake Gaza.

An Israeli tank patrols along the Israeli-Gaza border
on Thursday (Photo: Gili Yaari/Flash90)

Government ministers are demanding that Israel retake Gaza in response to Wednesday’s barrage of rocket fire from Gaza– the largest escalation since 2012.
Meanwhile, the Israeli Air Force continued to strike targets in Gaza on Thursday afternoon, while Israel denied reports of a ceasefire circulated by Islamic Jihad.
Already at the beginning of February – several weeks before the situation intensified this week – Intelligence and Strategy Minister Yuval Steinitz had stated:
“If the drip of rockets from Gaza continues, we will have no choice but to go inside in order to eliminate Hamas.”
Thursday morning, Steinitz told Israel’s Channel 10:
“Sooner or later we will have to take control of Gaza, in order to get rid of the Hamas regime…. We do need to remove from Gaza the option of firing rockets on us. If and when the moment comes when we must retake Gaza – and that moment is coming soon – the operation will have to be a very quick one.”
Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu (R) welcomed his British counterpart
David Cameron to Israel the same day that rockets rained into Southern Israel.
Regarding the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas more than a year ago, Steinitz, among those saying that Israel should retake Gaza, said that it “really should have been done in 2012, in Operation Pillar of Defense, when they fired rockets at Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. The IDF entered Gaza and managed to halt the firing of rockets for a time, but I was of the opinion that we should have continued.”
While Hamas was pounding populated areasin southern Israel with rockets on Wednesday afternoon, beginning precisely when children were on their way home from school, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman told Channel 2:
“There is no escaping the full occupation of the Gaza Strip.”
Expanding on the issue, Lieberman discussed Israel’s unilateral withdrawal from Gaza in 2005 on his Facebook page, calling it “one of the most painful and difficult events in the history of the State of Israel.”
“The State of Israel did it, hoping that the move will bring peace, tranquility and economic prosperity on both sides.”
Those who led the plan, he added, guaranteed that “should there be a single shot from the Gaza Strip towards Israel, the IDF will return to Gaza and hit her hard.”
Thousands of missiles are fired into Israel each year and the IDF led two missions to end the “grim reality” for the one-million residents of southern Israel – Operation Cast Lead and Pillar of Defense, he said. Not only has the situation not improved, he continued, but Hamas has developed the ability to fire missiles to Tel Aviv.
“Gaza has become the Kingdom of terrorism that led to dozens of dead and wounded Israelis,” Liberman stated.
“No sovereign state in the world can agree to such a reality. The only solution is the reversal of the [disengagement] process, to retake Gaza.”
On Thursday morning, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu – visiting the Teva pharmaceutical factory in Jerusalem with visiting U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron, said:
“So how can anybody not condemn the firing of these missiles deliberately at civilians? Precisely. Well, you’re going see [Palestinian Authority] President Abbas soon, only a few minutes away, and unfortunately he didn’t condemn the rocketing of our civilians. He condemned the fact that Israel interdicted and hit the three terrorists who fired mortars on us. That he did condemn. And that’s wrong. I say we want to move to a genuine peace. To move to a genuine peace, we have to be very clear on our condemnation of terror and our support for the right to defend ourselves against terror. That is a crucial component of peace.”
A scene in Sderot following rocket fire on Wednesday.
(Photo: Flash90)
In a statement to the press, President Shimon Peres said:
“Last night the IDF did what it had to do and targeted tens of sites in the Gaza Strip. The rocket fire was carried out by the Islamic Jihad but it is Hamas who are responsible. The Hamas leadership claims responsibility over Gaza, if that is the case then they are responsible for everything that happens there. Israel will not allow terrorists to fire at our civilians, under any circumstances. Hamas must decide how they want to live – fire will be answered with fire, quiet will be answered with quiet.”
“The IDF will not tolerate any attempt to harm Israel’s citizens or soldiers and will continue to take determined action against any party that uses terrorism against the state of Israel,” an IDF spokesperson asserted.
“Anybody who tries to fire on Israel or is complicit in firing on Israel has signed his own death warrant and we won’t hesitate to strike him at any time,” Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon stated.
“We will continue to act responsibly and judiciously to protect the citizens of Israel and allow them to live a normal life.”