Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Why a Two-State Solution Will Never Happen

Someone posted on Facebook about how calling for a two-state solution could be seen as being antisemitic. 
I am attaching a photo below, an excerpt from a book I'm currently reading called "The Jew Is Not My Enemy," by Terek Fatah. As an Indian born in Pakistan and raised as a Muslim, Fatah unveils the myths that fuel Muslim antisemitism. The highlighted portions speak volumes and are important to understand in the context of the Israeli-Arab conflict.
While I do not believe that those who do call for this solution are doing so out of animosity, I do think that people who claim a two-solution is possible are either ignorant or ignore the reality of the situation which is that the Palestinian leadership and many Palestinians have made it clear that they have no intention of living peacefully with Jews as their neighbors. 
This was what I wrote in response.
"Of course a two-state solution would be ideal but many Palestinians and the leadership which they elected are (very openly) vehemently against living with Jews as their neighbors. Even in the West Bank where you have Jews and Palestinians living side by side, we have run into so many issues (and lost lives) because many Palestinians simply do not believe Jews belong there. So when people are against the two-state solution many are coming from that perspective which is that it clearly won’t work. One side simply refuses to be satisfied. A Palestinian state was offered many times. Land was given up (Gaza in 2005 look at what happened) and offers were rejected. So to say a two-state solution is the way to go sounds nice but it hasn’t ever worked in the past. And knowing what Palestinians say openly and proudly about not ever going to live with Jews, as well as the number of Jews killed because of that mentality... it’s sort of fair to see why people might think it’s anti-Semitic. Jews have done enough to appease and shouldn’t have to put their safety on the line any longer to make people who hate them satisfied which is what a two-state solution would take. Calling for a two-state solution is ignoring the facts and essentially saying that Israel should put its safety on the line and concede to further abuse."

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